Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rough Week

Man, this week hasn't really been my week. I'm off the steroids for my rash, and I itch like hell. It really drives me nuts when I get into a comfy position and then the itching starts. I suppose I might go back to the doctor tomorrow. I'm popping Benadryl like candy. I remember back in the day I would take a dose and it would knock me the hell out. Nope, not anymore. Now it just does nothing.

Work's been wicked busy the last 2 days. We're implementing new password requirements which is messing up everyone. At least 8 characters, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, a number, a symbol, can't be a dictionary word, can't have a repeating character, blah blah blah. Like people can't remember their passwords as it is...oh well, maybe now they'll write them down and post them by their computer!

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