Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pissy Mood

I haven't bitched on here in awhile, and I'm sure you've missed it, so here it goes. Today wasn't a great day at work. We're implementing a new timesheet process soon, and right now it's in the testing phase, and it has been a complete and utter disaster. System errors, user errors, fluke incidents, it's all there. And it's mess. I myself have very little to do with the new system. My involvement is limited to me being a middleman for users and the solutions to their problems. Even though I'm nothing but a middleman, I've been one ridiculously busy person. The two days we've had of testing have been awful, and I'm trying to prepare myself for another busy day tomorrow. The day is going to suck ass and I am just not ready for it.

The thing that really peeves me is I spend my day taking a beating. I do it from 8:00 - 5:00, and whether or not I can squeeze in a lunchbreak it doesn't matter, I'm still there at 8:00 and I can leave at 5:00. Other workers in my area have the luxury of not following such a formal schedule. It just burns me up that I spend my day taking it in the ass and those guys float in and out at whatever hours they choose, and in the end they get paid for "working" the same hours as me, even if they were only there for 2/3 or 3/4 of the time. They come in late, leave early, and have a nice relaxing hour, hour and a half lunchbreak. Sure, you can attribute this to jealousy, but what about fairness? All of these people make more than me. Where's my compensation? Especially when we "work" the same hours?

Sunday, March 14, 2010


If my knee doesn't stop hurting soon I'm going to go bananas. The weather's been so pretty lately and I haven't been able to take advantage of it. My knee is starting to feel better, but I'm impatient. I want normal. I've never had a real injury, and it's driving me nuts. I want to go out for a walk/run. When the weather's nice I spend my lunchbreak roaming around downtown. My job is mind numbingly boring - I need the change of scenery. I've realized I don't listen to my callers much...I've already figured out the problem and I'm just waiting for them to quit babbling so I can fix it.

The knee problem has made for rough nights as well. Like I don't have enough sleep issues. I think I have restless legs. In the evenings or laying in bed I can feel them twitching. Working out does make them feel better. My mom also told me that doing wall sits will help, and they do help, when I can actually do them. Sigh...bitch bitch bitch...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stoopid Knee

So a couple of weeks ago a crowd of us went up to Snowshoe, WV, for some skiing. I took a little spill, and since then, my left knee hasn't been very happy. When I fell, I managed to leave my feet flat on the ground and aimed downhill as I slid on my back. Finally, my left ski caught an edge and my leg bent behind me. I've never felt pain like that...holy shit it hurt.

There was some serious swelling and pain, and the general consensus was that I hurt my MCL. BGF said it, and so did the part-time EMS worker that I know at work. He also suggested it was possible that I tore my meniscus, but wasn't sure. I asked those guys if they thought the fall warranted a trip to the doctor, and everyone agreed that I should give it some time, so I did.

Fast forward exactly two weeks and I'm in the doctor's office. The swelling has gone down, but there's still some there. I do still feel some pain. The big thing I wanted to know was if things were healing ok, and when can I start playing soccer again. I have a hard enough time keeping my weight under control when I'm moving around, I surely can't do it when I can't exercise!

I went to an orthopedic specialist that deals with Sports Medicine. He said in an effort to save time and money, we'd skip taking x-rays and an MRI. He could say with certainty that the guys were correct, I did tear my MCL. He's not sure about my meniscus. It's possible that it is torn, but his thinking is to try and see how a brace will help things. If it's just my MCL I'll be fine. If there is a problem with the meniscus, the damage is already done and it can't get worse, but based on our conversation he doesn't think the meniscus will be an issue. Yay!

Monday, March 8, 2010


A possible TMI post. About girly business. For awhile now my period's been acting odd, and I finally had enough. I made an appointment to visit my OB/GYN, and after the usual checkup she decided it would be a good idea to do an ultrasound. I had never had one before, but I've seen plenty on tv. I was escorted to my exam room, after emptying my bladder (why do they insist on using that phrase, is it really necessary?), and once inside the tech told me she'd be performing an internal ultrasound and I needed to undress from the waist down. She left the room for me to undress, and when she returned, I asked, "did you say 'internal'?" Yep, that's what she can see things better.

Now when my doctor said "ultrasound" I imagined what I would assume most people would - the tech squirting some gel on a instrument, and then running it over my belly. The instrument looked like a large vibrator, to which she applied the gel and placed between my legs. Now, that device never actually entered my body, but I seriously thought she was going to jab a hole in me. I had no idea they did ultrasounds like that. However I was later informed that if you're pregnant it'll happen that way. Another reason for me not to have kids!

The good news is, after that uncomfortable experience, that everything checked out just fine!