Thursday, September 11, 2008

Awesome Show

I just got done watching Fringe on Hulu. Wow! Yes, Kim will definitely be DVRing that show. I am a fan of Lost, and one of the guys at work said that if I liked that show I would like Fringe. I can see can tell that J.J. Abrams has his hand in both. But don't mistake that for me complaining! Man, I want to watch it again! Although the beginning was a bit disgusting...a dude threw up on a lady, and it looked like he got vomit in her mouth. AUGH! I wish I could have a serious conversation about the show, but I feel like an excited little kid that just can't sit still and form coherent sentences!

Let's see...everything else is going fine. Work's work. I'm feeling better. Although every now and then I feel like I look a little pink in spots, but that's only in my head, I know that!

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