Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good Dream?

Usually when I dream about fighting with someone, I wake up upset and I carry that feeling with me for the rest of the day. Not this time. I had a dream that I got into an argument with a coworker from Old Job. Now this coworker is a Downer-Debbie kind of person. In my dream my boss asked me to work on fixing a wireless connection on a laptop, and as soon as I started to move the mouse and look at what was going on, Downer-Debbie was standing over my shoulder telling me what I should be doing. I tried to explain what he was telling me was already what I had planned on doing, yet he still acted like a backseat driver. I lost my temper, got up, and all but threw the laptop at him, yelling that if he knew so much, he should fix it. Nevermind that Boss had asked me to work on it, knowing that I was already knee deep in another project. I was dropping f-bombs left and right, madder than Hell, not giving a care in the world that the owner of the laptop was right there, witnessing the entire incident. And instead of being upset, I felt great. And I still feel great! What a good start to my day.

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