Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Burn Baby

I don't remember a whole lot about my dream last night, other than I was at work and two men were standing at the entrance of shared my cubicle (it's not really a cubicle, there are three of us there) suggesting that we take home anything valuable. I shrugged off their suggestion, but they kept repeating it, and then one of the guys nodded to a little stuffed husky I have on my desk (it looks like Sable!) until I grabbed the toy in my arms. Later I realized that the two men were arsonists and they were going to burn down my office building. Hahha!

I'm going to break down and call an ENT tomorrow and talk them about getting my tonsils looked at. The last 2 days my throat has been a little sore at times. I was reading some of the post-op directions on a few different websites...man am I going to be miserable if they need to come out! I could end up missing 7-10 days of work (does that count weekends?), and also vomiting with streaks of blood is normal. Awesome! The sites also suggest drinking lots of fluids. The only thing that worries me about this is that I'm so bad about being sick and drinking. I hate getting that yucky taste in my mouth that ruins the flavor of everything. Booo!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good Dream?

Usually when I dream about fighting with someone, I wake up upset and I carry that feeling with me for the rest of the day. Not this time. I had a dream that I got into an argument with a coworker from Old Job. Now this coworker is a Downer-Debbie kind of person. In my dream my boss asked me to work on fixing a wireless connection on a laptop, and as soon as I started to move the mouse and look at what was going on, Downer-Debbie was standing over my shoulder telling me what I should be doing. I tried to explain what he was telling me was already what I had planned on doing, yet he still acted like a backseat driver. I lost my temper, got up, and all but threw the laptop at him, yelling that if he knew so much, he should fix it. Nevermind that Boss had asked me to work on it, knowing that I was already knee deep in another project. I was dropping f-bombs left and right, madder than Hell, not giving a care in the world that the owner of the laptop was right there, witnessing the entire incident. And instead of being upset, I felt great. And I still feel great! What a good start to my day.

Friday, September 26, 2008

So Immature

So I went to ESPN.com earlier and found myself laughing out loud at the headline. I swear, sometimes I'm like a 12 year old boy laughing because he just heard the word "boobies".

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stupid Pregnancy Dream

Yet again, I had another dream I was pregnant. I guess I can't complain, I haven't had one lately. All I really remember was that I was walking through the mall with a friend of mine, and we bumped into another friend of ours and her mother. Now, in real like I know this second friend is pregnant, and that's news I found out recently. But we all stopped and talked for a bit, and then everyone noticed I was pregnant. I don't know if I was embarrassed or ashamed, but when they noticed, all I wanted to do was crawl under a rock and hide. My uncomfortable feelings didn't last long - as I was standing there fidgeting, I suddenly felt physically uncomfortable. Not to be gross, but it was almost like a heavy day on my period, the feeling of needing to change a tampon before an accident happens. Then it hit me, I shouldn't be having that feeling if I'm pregnant. Was I about to have a miscarriage? I stood there with the ladies still chatting away, my face turning white and tears in my eyes. Without saying anything to them, I broke away from the group and started to make my way to...somewhere, (the bathroom maybe?) then I woke up.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


When I first got a checking account my mom taught me how to use the statement and balance it, down to the penny. Over the years I've kept up with keeping it balanced, and if it's not, it drives me nuts. I want to balance down to the last cent. I'll admit though, over the last few months I've been pretty slack, and I haven't balanced it in awhile. Yep, need to get back in the habit because I made a little boo-boo, which could have resulted in an overdraft charge. Lucky for me I had some extra money "hidden" in there, which I ended up having to spend. D'oh! I did get some good news...I submitted my claim a few weeks ago to get reimbursed for having my wisdom teeth taken out. Guess who got a check in mail today! Couldn't have come at a better time!

Oh, today was a pretty good day at work. Hank wasn't there. From the moment I got out of bed this morning I knew it was going to be a good day without him there - purely because he wasn't there. Terrible that we have to have coworkers like that. I have made a new friend at work. He doesn't work in the same area as me, but we get to chat it up on Sametime. We were chatting about where to out (he's somewhat new in town) and I made a comment that, when I reread it, made me sound like a drunk. He said my comment was fine, so long as I wasn't 30. What it young whipper snapper! Almost, but not quite - yet!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


A few days ago a friend of mine mentioned that he knows a guy that has some extra Carolina Panthers tickets available for all home games, and he's selling them. I'd love to go to a Panthers game this year. I've been to at least one game for the past, I dunno, 4 or 5 years. Good times!

Thinking about those tickets definitely played into my dream last night. I dreamt about going to a game, but it certainly wasn't down in Charlotte. It's almost like the stadium was up in Boone, the size and the shape were very similar to the way things looked when I was at App. I was there with a bunch of coworkers, and one of the guys, EvilBoss, was able to get us into the stadium quicker because he knew a secret entrance, all we had to do was go as a group because the line didn't allow for individuals. Also, as we were going through the line we were given some type of Panther paraphernalia, a t-shirt, towel, etc. When we finally made it into the stadium, the arguing started. There was no assigned seating (as the seats weren't individual seats but more like bleachers), and no one could agree on where to sit. Someone didn't want to sit too close to the marching band because they're loud and annoying. Someone else didn't want to sit too far to one end of the stadium because then it would be hard to see when play was the other end. It made me think of us trying to decide on where we want to go to lunch. That's a battle on a daily basis. Anyways, the dream ended with me sitting there getting pissed because no one agree on where to sit and the game was starting. I woke up all balled up and laying on top of one of my arms, and it was completely numb. Oh the pins and needles when it woke up!!

Oh...I'm thinking the odds of the Panthers starting this season 3-0 are very, very good! Everyone should be watching tomorrow!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Good Job

EPSN's Page 2 has an article on America's 100 most important sports venues and yay the Panther's made the list:
46. Bank of America Stadium
Location: Charlotte, N.C. Opened: 1996. Capacity: 73,904.

Because this stadium is widely credited as the first built with one of the most noxious trends in sports, the personal seat license, in which you have to pay through the nose just for the right to buy an overpriced ticket.
How awesome is that!

If you're wondering what was #1 - it's Yankee Stadium. Oh, BagelDave, Cameron Indoor Stadium made the list at #58, and for you Carolina Fans, the Dean Smith Center was #90.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Get Over It

Yesterday I mentioned that there was some petty shit going on at work, but what I didn't mention is that me and my 2 coworkers were going to have a meeting about it with our boss and our boss's boss today. Every time I thought about the meeting I just got annoyed. "What a waste!" I kept thinking to myself. And it was. Jackass coworker, who I'll call Hank, it just worthless. Not just worthless as a coworker, but pretty much worthless as a person. Now I know what you're thinking, those are pretty harsh and hateful things for me to say, but it's not just me that feels that way. My anger was far more apparent than I realized, but I sat through the meeting saying very little. Seriously, why bother, it wouldn't do any good. The meeting wasn't about things like, "hey, I feel like I'm doing more of xyx than the next person, " it was about Big Brother's way of doing what they need to do for appearances sake.

After the meeting ended my boss asked if we could speak privately. Boss mentioned that my unhappiness was obvious, and also included that the topics discussed in the meeting were not directed at me, but Hank couldn't be singled out. Yes, it is Hank that's the problem, but there's not a lot one can do about a person that's an ass. And I know Boss is right, but that doesn't help me. I feel like I can't roll with the punches on this one. Why does Hank get to make everyone else suffer and get away with it? Why do assholes get their way? Yes, again, I realize that's life, but that doesn't make it any easier to swallow.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Plays Well With Others

I'm not sure what's up with me, but I've been a bitter person at work lately. Actually, I do know what's up. I have one coworker that's just a...he's a, uh, well... hmm...man he's such as ass. No one likes him. No one. I'd rather it be slammed busy and him out then to have it quiet with him there. When he is out, it's like the boss is out for the day - there's just a different feeling in the air. That uncomfortable, stressed, aggravating feeling is gone! And there's all sorts of little petty shit going on lately, one of which being lunchtimes and good phone coverage. My job requires that there be people to man the phones...I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with you turning your 45 minute lunchbreak into an hour and a half and me sitting there tethered to my desk, starving. You know what, I'm almost so mad thinking about it right now I don't know how to put all of my frustration into words. There are 3 of us that do the same job. If one person's out (sick, vacation, midday quickie with a hooker, whatever), that means there are just two left. And with just two people there are going to be times when there are only one. It's going to happen, people just need to deal. I don't get why one person being there for 20 minutes alone is such a big damn deal. Because of some training, I spent the entire day Friday working alone. By myself. With no one else. And did anyone in management care then that I was alone. All day. For over 8 hours?! NO. There's more to this story, but again, just so aggravated I can't get it all out. I just know that thanks to AssMan my nice happy job is rapidly going to shit. Why doesn't he quit already? That would make everyone happier.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hard At Work?

*Please keep in mind that the camera adds at least 10 pounds*

Big Day

So tomorrow's a big day for people going to see people in the medical profession! I did have a doctor's appointment, but it was just more of a "Hi, how's it going?" kind of thing. Screw that, I've seen you people enough lately. Canceled that shit. My grandmother also has a doctor's appointment. Probably something pretty similar to mine, only she's actually going. Good for you, Grandma! A coworker is starting his day at the chiropractor. Are those people real doctors? I dunno..never been to one. Also, I know of 2 people going under the knife! I hope for speedy recoveries for the both of you. And SOMEONE (hint hint) better keep me updated on how they're doing! It's bad enough I had to hear about the news second hand...wtf?! I thought we were close! Nah, I guess I can understand not saying anything...but it's me! I'll tell you when (if) I get my tonsils taken out! True, you and everyone else. What's your point?

I've been thinking about that...I need to call an ENT. No need to wait until there's a problem again. I just don't want to do it! I don't want someone hacking my tonsils out...that's going to interfere with me eating. I don't like it when I can't eat. True, I can have lots of ice cream, but I can have lots of ice cream now! Mmm...food (except canned peas...that's disgusting). And it's not just that I don't want the procedure done, and having to recover, I don't even want to go and talk to someone. Yes, I know I need to, and in the end I'm sure things will turn out for the better (otherwise I might go postal on some doctors - do you people hate me that much?!), but I hate going to the doctor. Hate hate hate it! I don't want you touching me. I don't even want to have to call your office and make the appointment. Now I'm all bent out of shape just thinking about it. What if they decide I should keep them? That seems just as bad as them coming out!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dreaming About A Baby

I was talking to a friend last night, saying how I hoped I'd be able to sleep in this morning. I don't know what's up with me, but I'm incapable of sleeping in. I don't understand how during the week I get ripped out of sleep when my alarm goes off, yet on the weekend my little eyeballs pop right open at almost the exact time I'd be getting out of bed. I wonder, am I paranoid that I'm about to sleep through my alarm? I don't get it. Well, this morning I did manage to sleep in some, but now I'm kind of wishing I had gotten up early.

No, it wasn't another dream where Kim was pregnant. And by the way, I've probably said this before, but that's not a dream, it's a nightmare! The dream started off kind of normal...I was up in Massachusetts and out shopping with my cousin Justine. Justine and I talked recently about me heading up North, so I can see why she showed up (miss you!). As we were out I got a phone call that it was time, the baby was being born. What confuses me is I'm not sure whose baby, and suddenly I was at a hospital in NC and Justine was gone. My mom and my brother were there, but I still can't figure out why they had interest in this baby. The mother of the kid was giving her up for adoption, and it's like she had the baby and was ready to roll out and just leave the kid behind - didn't even need any more medical attention because she was doing fine. The baby on the other hand was wicked tiny, she didn't even look like she was ready to be here. I remember holding her, choking back tears because she was so tiny, her little legs barely larger than one of my fingers. The rest of the dream was about finding parts to make sure she would work properly, like she was a little machine that needed some upgrades.

There's so much more detail that I remember, but it's just the feelings that go with it all that have started off my morning on the wrong foot. I can't tell you how much I hate this - none of that was real, so that stressed, upset feeling I have? Get over it! There's no reason for it. That sinking feeling in my stomach that I get when upset...move on out! No need!! Again, I'm going to complain, why can't I just go to sleep and sleep? Why can't there be a way for my brain to just keep my heart beating, lungs breathing, etc, and have that just be it? It's a no wonder I'm so tired...

Friday, September 12, 2008

You Like?

For awhile now that pink background was driving me a little nutty - just too bright for me, and I do love pink! And while I like a good retina-burning as much as the next person, it was too much. And recently a new reader, EvilCoworker, came across my little corner of the Internet, and quite frankly, I felt embarrassed. Like having company over when the house is a wreck! I figured I had to do something to clean this place up! So...you guys like the new colors? I kept the some of the pink, and on EvilCoworker's suggestion I added some gray. I was thinking blue (or purple, that's my favorite), but the gray really does look good. And do you know what I just realized...I have a pair of shoes that have gray, light pink, and a little reddish/maroon color in them. No wonder I like it so much!


I don't talk about my dad much, kind of because there's no reason to. We don't get along that well...it usually doesn't take more than 5 minutes before one of us is pissed at the other. We don't have anything in common, and conversation doesn't flow very well between us. Heck, I haven't called him "dad" in a long time. I always think of the episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer keeps trying to get Bart to call him dad but Bart just keeps saying "Homer!" Well, Wayne did call tonight, catching me on my ride home from work. He was in Durham at a big truck shop, and he was wondering if I wanted to grab dinner before he headed out. Like a good daughter, I did agree. While I was waiting for him to show up at my place, I called my brother just to catch up. As we were talking I heard someone knock on my neighbor's door. I told my brother I'd better look out the peephole and make sure it wasn't Wayne. Yep, there was my father knocking on the wrong door. I've only lived here how long?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Awesome Show

I just got done watching Fringe on Hulu. Wow! Yes, Kim will definitely be DVRing that show. I am a fan of Lost, and one of the guys at work said that if I liked that show I would like Fringe. I can see similarities...you can tell that J.J. Abrams has his hand in both. But don't mistake that for me complaining! Man, I want to watch it again! Although the beginning was a bit disgusting...a dude threw up on a lady, and it looked like he got vomit in her mouth. AUGH! I wish I could have a serious conversation about the show, but I feel like an excited little kid that just can't sit still and form coherent sentences!

Let's see...everything else is going fine. Work's work. I'm feeling better. Although every now and then I feel like I look a little pink in spots, but that's only in my head, I know that!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Things with me are back to normal! At least when it comes to my itchy/splotchy/sore throat sporting self. I guess that's what a buttload of drugs will do! I'm not complaining though! It's nice to look down and not see any pink or red anywhere. It's definitely made this weekend a lot better than last weekend. I was not at all about going out, even though I didn't feel that bad, just looking not so hot made me want to curl up on the couch and stay there. So I did. And having a taste of a fun weekend out makes me want to go out more next weekend! Yay! Is it Friday yet?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Feeling Good

Just a quick update before football starts (WOOHOO!!!) - I'm feeling pretty good right now!! I got a steroid shot in the rear today, and within 20 minutes to the urge to kill had subsided. I am still a little itchy, but you can barely see the pink splotchy areas. I think it's just my legs and arms that have the faint splotch - my belly's back to it's normal color! Man I am so much happier. I'm on another round of prednisone pills, for 12 days instead of 6, so hopefully this will finally get me over this. I'm also taking a new antihistamine. Yay! Life is good!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rough Week

Man, this week hasn't really been my week. I'm off the steroids for my rash, and I itch like hell. It really drives me nuts when I get into a comfy position and then the itching starts. I suppose I might go back to the doctor tomorrow. I'm popping Benadryl like candy. I remember back in the day I would take a dose and it would knock me the hell out. Nope, not anymore. Now it just does nothing.

Work's been wicked busy the last 2 days. We're implementing new password requirements which is messing up everyone. At least 8 characters, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, a number, a symbol, can't be a dictionary word, can't have a repeating character, blah blah blah. Like people can't remember their passwords as it is...oh well, maybe now they'll write them down and post them by their computer!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Just Thought Of Something

I just realized....this time next week we'll all be enjoying some Monday Night Football on ESPN!! How awesome is that!! And we'll be enjoying it after watching a day full of football. And as a special treat we'll be able to watch the Giants play against the Redskins this coming Thursday. That's only 3 days away! Holy crap I am so excited football season is starting!

Happy 3 Day Weekend!

I hope everyone's having an enjoyable long weekend! I'm not. Haha it's just the hives that are driving me nuts. They are getting better, it's just taking time - and I have no patience. The color has really died down, and right now I just feel itchy. I keep putting lotion on ("It rubs the lotion on its skin..."), and that does help. It just sucks that I'm not 100% yet. It's made me not want to go out and do anything. I'd really like to take advantage of this nice weather and go out and do something, but when I get hot the itchy gets worse. Oh well....I guess being uncomfortable at home is better than being uncomfortable at work!