Thursday, September 18, 2008

Get Over It

Yesterday I mentioned that there was some petty shit going on at work, but what I didn't mention is that me and my 2 coworkers were going to have a meeting about it with our boss and our boss's boss today. Every time I thought about the meeting I just got annoyed. "What a waste!" I kept thinking to myself. And it was. Jackass coworker, who I'll call Hank, it just worthless. Not just worthless as a coworker, but pretty much worthless as a person. Now I know what you're thinking, those are pretty harsh and hateful things for me to say, but it's not just me that feels that way. My anger was far more apparent than I realized, but I sat through the meeting saying very little. Seriously, why bother, it wouldn't do any good. The meeting wasn't about things like, "hey, I feel like I'm doing more of xyx than the next person, " it was about Big Brother's way of doing what they need to do for appearances sake.

After the meeting ended my boss asked if we could speak privately. Boss mentioned that my unhappiness was obvious, and also included that the topics discussed in the meeting were not directed at me, but Hank couldn't be singled out. Yes, it is Hank that's the problem, but there's not a lot one can do about a person that's an ass. And I know Boss is right, but that doesn't help me. I feel like I can't roll with the punches on this one. Why does Hank get to make everyone else suffer and get away with it? Why do assholes get their way? Yes, again, I realize that's life, but that doesn't make it any easier to swallow.

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