Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stop Coughing!

I may have mentioned this before, my things have been very different since having my tonsils out last November. I remember my ENT saying my quality of life would greatly improve after having them out. In the days after my surgery when I was vomiting up everything I was bummed at times...I felt like things were never going to get better. Then Spring came and went, and while my allergies did bother me, looking back it's easy to see that they were a millions times better than in years past. Now I'm at my next challenge - can I be around sick people and not catch what they have! GuyRoommate started it...he got sick on vacation. He passed it on to my coworker that went with us, and now GirlRoommate has it, too. My coworker that came on the trip sits in the same cube as me. There's one other person in the cube, and guess what, she's sick also! So far, amazingly enough, I'm ok. I did have a scratchy throat yesterday, and I've coughed and sneezed a few times, but so far so good! I'm nervous though...it seems like everyone has a cold, but GirlRoomate's developed bronchitis and is on antibiotics. Scary!! But I can resist! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go get a glass of OJ.

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