Saturday, November 1, 2008

Spare Any Change?

Me: can you give a girl $91?
Me: I need to buy drugs
Me: actually, 1 drug
BagelDave: that's one helluva drug
Me: fucking antibiotic for post surgery
BagelDave: i can find pot, coke, crack, mushrooms, lsd, really anything you want for cheaper than that

So yep, I dropped off my prescriptions today for use after my tonsillectomy. Fortunately for me the pharmacy called before they filled it. The antibiotic I was given has no generic equivalent at the Target Pharmacy, so they decided to call and ask before they filling anything. They wanted to make sure I was okay with forking over $91. And what makes me even more lucky is that medicine only has a 10 day shelf life, so had they not called I would have shelled out all of that money for medicine that wouldn't be good by the time I need it. I was just shocked when she said $91 freaking dollars. My insurance is typically really good! For generics I only pay 10%, so in the case of my pain medication, it's only $8. My birth control pills...$1.81! Freaking sweet! There is a different antibiotic they can give me, but we need to check with the doctor first. The one concern the pharmacist had was that it's rougher on the stomach, and I am not down with the idea of vomiting. Stupid tonsils!

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