Sunday, April 13, 2008

Get A Job

I keep toying around with the idea of getting a part time job. I have no problem paying my bills and I still have some money to go out with friends, but there are bigger things I want (aka a sweet new tv), and I'm just not getting to that fast enough. I was even at Michael's the other day and asked for an application, but nope, they didn't have any more. Good thing they have that big "Now Hiring" sign in the window. Then I think to myself, would I really have the time to get a part time job? I have plans for this upcoming weekend - Friday is out with coworkers and Saturday is hanging out with an old college buddy. That really only leaves Sunday, and would I want to work on a Sunday after being on the go all weekend? Maybe I should try and make a better budget and really stick to it...

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