Monday, February 9, 2009

Hold Still!!!

One day Marco walked by me, and I noticed a little white thing stuck in the fur of his tail. I figured it was a fuzzy, brushed my hand over his tail and then went about my business. The next day I noticed another little white thing in the fur of his hind leg. Weird, but oh well...until he strolled by another day and I happened to notice another little white thing, almost like a grain of rice, on his little butt. EW! And you can't help but noticed the cat's ass, poor little guy was shaved when he was neutered, and we're still waiting on fur to grow back.

I called the vet today and explained what I saw, and she confirmed what I had thought - my kitty has worms. Or a worm. A tape worm. No big deal, they prescribed a pill and with the one dose it should be cleared up. Thank God it was one pill...getting him to take it was not an easy task! I called BGF's wife and asked for advice. I explained the pill was the size of a person's Tylenol. She said to bring the cat and the pill over and they would help.

I had already cut the pill in half, but they cut it into smaller pieces. I held Marco and had his head in one hand and his body and hind legs in the other. BGF held his front paws and opened his mouth, and BGF's wife dropped in the pill. We had to hold his mouth shut and massaged his throat trying to get him to swallow. Damn kitty, you are stubborn! We did a few more tries like that, even wrapping the pill in a tiny bit of bologna. He started kicking a lot, and BGF's wife suggested we wrap him in a blanket before he scratched me.

Next we wrapped him up like a little burrito. I'll have to get her camera - I hope the pics show how pissed he was. Me, I was the good mom, laughing at him the whole time. He was so angry his ears just flattened out. HAHA! Sorry Marco, it wasn't funny. We got a few more tiny pieces down. Finally we crushed up the rest and mixed it with some canned tuna. I figure he ate more than 3/4 of the pill. That should be good, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cats and pills do not mix! Fortunately dogs you can just about trick into taking pills easily with a little food!