Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fed Up

Isn't allergy season over yet? UGH I am so tired of feeling lousy. I will say this year has been far better than years past, and I'm thinking it's the lack of tonsils that have helped. Usually by this time I'm on a round of antibiotics because the tonsils had decided to get all nasty and infected. So yes, this year is better, but I want great! I get all excited for the weekends to roll around and I end up wasting a lot of it or unable to go outside and enjoy it.

Friday night was ruined, but that was my own lack of thinking. I got home from a great day of work and decided to partake in an adult beverage. A little bit later I was feeling miserable from itchy eyes and a snotty nose so I decided to pop a Benedryl. Now, back when I had my nice little rash the Benedryl did nothing...didn't really help with the rash and also didn't make me tired. Benedryl makes everyone tired! Yeah, it makes everyone tired if you have that and a beer. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open sitting on the couch, so GuyRoommate recommended I go lay down and rest. He told me to go lay in his bedroom as we had a handyman working in mine to install a ceiling fan. I laid down around 6:30, and he woke me from a dead sleep at 9:00. I spent the next few hours wandering around dazed and confused. Saturday and Sunday, more sneezing, sore throat, itchy eyes.

Last night we decided to move our tomato plant off of the desk and hang it from a shepherd's hook in the backyard. I made it for a few minutes before the sneezing started. I could hardly walk straight I was sneezing so much. When we got back in the house the roommies were contemplating dinner, but I was off for a shower. Ugh...I want to be able to play outside and not have the snot running. Benedryl minus beer doesn't help, Zyrtec doesn't help, last time I tried Claratin it was no good.

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