Monday, May 25, 2009


Sometimes I wonder if I need to research Adult ADD, because I swear I am incapable of sitting down and just relaxing. Today GirlRoomie and I sat down and watched "Get Smart" and I was able to focus on the movie, but once it was over I was off. In the kitchen, doing dishes, cutting up a pineapple and a watermelon. Oh wait, gotta run upstairs and fold some clothes so that I can move the next load over into the dryer. I changed the sheets on my bed, put away a few random things floating around in my room. After I changed the kitty litter boxes I took out the trash. Both of the roomies were even calling me anal retentive the other night. I was in my kitchen cleaning mode when GuyRoomie was taking the last few bites off of his plate. I stood there in anticipation, "gimme the plate so I can put it in the dishwasher!" Yes, I know he could handle it, but I working in that kitchen. I don't think I have a lack of focus, just more of an inability to sit still.

I've been this way for awhile...I'm awful at watching movies by myself because I always think of other things I can be up and doing. Sigh...I feel like I'm not conveying my thoughts very well here, almost like I should be talking about two separate issues (my inability to sit still and my anal retentiveness) but I'm just smashing the two together. When I lived by myself I had to do everything myself. If dishes were dirty it was my fault and I needed to clean them up. If things were dumped all over the living room they were my things and it was my responsibility to put them in their place. Maybe part of my need to be neat is that I'm used to the idea that if things are out of order it's my fault and I need to take care of it, and my mind is still set in that mode of thought. Dishes? I need to do them. Even the roomies give me a hard time, that I need to quit doing stuff and sit down. I try, but I wonder what else I should be doing right now?

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