Sunday, March 14, 2010


If my knee doesn't stop hurting soon I'm going to go bananas. The weather's been so pretty lately and I haven't been able to take advantage of it. My knee is starting to feel better, but I'm impatient. I want normal. I've never had a real injury, and it's driving me nuts. I want to go out for a walk/run. When the weather's nice I spend my lunchbreak roaming around downtown. My job is mind numbingly boring - I need the change of scenery. I've realized I don't listen to my callers much...I've already figured out the problem and I'm just waiting for them to quit babbling so I can fix it.

The knee problem has made for rough nights as well. Like I don't have enough sleep issues. I think I have restless legs. In the evenings or laying in bed I can feel them twitching. Working out does make them feel better. My mom also told me that doing wall sits will help, and they do help, when I can actually do them. Sigh...bitch bitch bitch...

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