Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pissy Mood

I haven't bitched on here in awhile, and I'm sure you've missed it, so here it goes. Today wasn't a great day at work. We're implementing a new timesheet process soon, and right now it's in the testing phase, and it has been a complete and utter disaster. System errors, user errors, fluke incidents, it's all there. And it's mess. I myself have very little to do with the new system. My involvement is limited to me being a middleman for users and the solutions to their problems. Even though I'm nothing but a middleman, I've been one ridiculously busy person. The two days we've had of testing have been awful, and I'm trying to prepare myself for another busy day tomorrow. The day is going to suck ass and I am just not ready for it.

The thing that really peeves me is I spend my day taking a beating. I do it from 8:00 - 5:00, and whether or not I can squeeze in a lunchbreak it doesn't matter, I'm still there at 8:00 and I can leave at 5:00. Other workers in my area have the luxury of not following such a formal schedule. It just burns me up that I spend my day taking it in the ass and those guys float in and out at whatever hours they choose, and in the end they get paid for "working" the same hours as me, even if they were only there for 2/3 or 3/4 of the time. They come in late, leave early, and have a nice relaxing hour, hour and a half lunchbreak. Sure, you can attribute this to jealousy, but what about fairness? All of these people make more than me. Where's my compensation? Especially when we "work" the same hours?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Shit like that makes me crazy! I work with a guy who would come in between 8-8:30 and leave at 3:30, while taking a "lunch" that I'm sure he didn't count because he ate at his desk, even though he leaves the building for like 30 minutes to pick it up. I worked from 7-4 whether I took a lunch or not, and freaking no one cared. It's awful! Although it's slightly reassuring to know that it happens everywhere and it's not just at my work.