Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Out Of Gas

This week at work has been pure Hell. There are 3 of us on my team, and the other two been out of the office for training this week. Because the workload's too much for any one person, management pulled another person off of a different team to help out. It was great to have someone to help out, but the bad thing is because they're not normally on my team they don't have access to all of the things needed. So while they helped field calls, they couldn't solve some of the problems so they ended up in tickets to me. Next month I'll get to go to the same training, but it'll be better for my usual teammates because the two of them will be there together. I'm not mad at my teammates for being left alone, but I am mad about their attitudes. I can't even think of where to start. If you're calling me, and I don't answer the first four times, then don't call. I know you're just calling to chat, and I don't have time for it. And when I do tell you I'm busy, don't call me grouchy. You would be too if people were bugging you when you already have plenty to do. And then I heard the training let out early, and everyone just went home. know I'm busy, you know the other team is short-handed because they have to help me, and you know work is building up, but you'd rather dick over everyone else because you're selfish? Yep, that's what it all boils down to for me, the selfishness of others. This is why I hate being nice. I feel like I am a kind, considerate person, and yet, most everyone else is not. Do you ever not think of yourself?

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