Monday, August 24, 2009

I Want To Play

So BGF started playing outdoor soccer. The rules say you have that, out of the 11 plays on the field, 3 must be girls. The first game was rough on the 3 girls, they had no subs. At one point BGF commented to the chick in charge I may be interested in playing. On the ride home he told me that she knew of some others girls that were interested, but he did tell her about me. Tonight's game only had 1 chick. And nothing was said to me. Because they didn't have 2 other girls, they had to play down 2 people. I heard someone in the stands say that even two not so good girls would be better than nothing. OK, to be honest they said "even having two out of shape girls would be better than playing down 2 people." Um, hello!! ME!! When BGF initially mentioned me playing, I was interested. Later, when I said something to him about it, he commented he didn't think it was a good idea. He said while I do ok at indoor, outdoor is a different story. The field is bigger, so there's more running and passes need to be longer. I will not argue with that. I will also not argue that I'm not a very good player. But c'mon! I know I need more leg strength, but I see getting to play as some motivation...although yeah, I suppose you could argue I should work on that beforehand, that getting to play should be my motivation. Whatever, take my side here dammit!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yeah I would say any player, even one that was purely decorative (as I would be if I ever were delusional enough to play, would be better than playing down some.

Nate played outdoor for a while and some of those fields were HUGE! Also I think the rules differ slightly and I know I would never be able to keep track of on or off sides.