Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Itch Update

I have noticed more poison ivy spots appear so I decided to go back to the doctor today. I said just say so if I was being impatient, but the doctor agreed that with my first round of steroids we'd hope no new spots would appear. She also did stress that I'm not contagious, and I'm not reinfecting myself, it's the allergens are still in my system and showing their ugly head. I've got another round of steroids to start after this round ends on Friday. I also have an antihistamine to help with the itchy, but the doc did warn me it may cause drowsiness. Yep, I feel it...tired and my head is fuzzy. But my legs are restless and jumpy. I feel like I'm being pulled into 2 different directions, and I am not liking this. Tired and restless, that is not cool!

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