Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pumping Iron

I joined a gym! Yeah, I’m shocked too – don’t feel bad for being surprised. I really hope this is something I stick with. Back in May I started taking golf lessons, and I’ve loved it. I’m actually frustrated that no one in my usual gang of friends can go play, for one reason or another (out of town, too hot, whatever). After I go to the driving range, I’m pumped, and I feel good about myself. I’m hoping the gym will be the same way.

I’m worried I won’t go because I’m distracted by other things. Soccer two nights a week, and I like to do something golf related once a week, whether it’s the driving range or an actual lesson with our instructor. What happens if I play soccer on Mondays, need a rest on Tuesday, and then play again on Wednesday? That leaves only Thursday through Sunday, days all clumped together. I’m sure I’m worrying about nothing. Right? I’m gonna be pumped, and I’m gonna be motivated, and dammit I’m gonna go!

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