Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Funday

Well hello strangers! I've been slack about updating, but not a lot is going on that's really worth talking about, so I'll bore you. I've been taking a soccer skills camp on Friday nights. It's a lot of fun, and I am learning stuff, I just don't know how well I'll be able to apply the skills in a real game situation. I get too nervous knowing that someone far better than me is coming after the ball, so I'm in a hurry to get rid of it. I suppose if I practiced more on my own time I may feel differently. MOnday nights have been occupied with outdoor, and Wednesdays with indoor. I'm having fun, getting in some exercise.

My knee is still kind of bothering me, and I'm just not sure what to do. GuyRoommate says it's going to hurt, it's a knee injury - a part of your body you use all the time. GirlRoommate is more sympathetic. I fell at the end of February, and waited two weeks to go to the doctor. My first visit he said things would be a lot better in two weeks, and when I went back to see him, I agreed they were. Two more weeks and I should be back to normal. So it's been a month since then. He did say if I was still hurting to call back and request an MRI. I'm just not sure what to do. I'm not in constant pain, and I walk without a limp. I'm a lot better and using both legs to go up and down stairs. When I do feel pain, it isn't bad...more annoying than anything. But does it hurt because I did do more damage than we realize, or am I just taking a long time to heal? I wish someone could just say, this is normal. You're not a young girl any more and this will take time to get over. Or, it wasn't that serious of a tear, it should be better by now, you probably did fuck up your meniscus and you should get that MRI. I just hate the idea of spending all of that money when it might just be me being impatient.

And since my knee is bothering me I decided to sign up for golf lessons. Smart me! I'll have a busy week next week...outdoor soccer on Monday, golf on Tuesday, indoor soccer on Wednesday, nothing on Thursday, and soccer camp on Friday. You'd think with all of that soccer I'd have some skills! Yeah, you'd be wrong!

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