Monday, May 31, 2010

Avoiding Reality

A long time ago I did buy my own domain name, and it was, but I never did anything with it. I haven't even made the effort to see if the new owner has. Oh well....I debate over and over about continuing with this blog. I have absolutely nothing to talk about. My only drama is what I bothered to be bothered by. I don't have an adorable new son (holy crap that kid is cute). ANd well, only so many people want to hear about my adorable cat. My biggest problem right now is my new (hopefully) golf clubs are on back order.

The only thing that has really been weighing on my mind recently are my dreams. I've talked about them before, and more often that not even you can understand the absurdity of my dreams. Not long ago I dreamt about an alligator (crocodile, whatever) that was initially 2 feet long and grew to 6 feet long when approached. Not gonna reptile will start at 2 feet and unexpectedly grow to 6 feet just like that. Nope...not real.

But after that dream things took a turn for the....real?! The dreams I've had recently aren't so much dreams as they are hallucinations. When I wake up I struggle to determine if what just took place was all in my head, or was it real? The people and places are part of my every day life. I wake up not knowing if the feelings that I've expressed are the ones that I'm still struggling with, or are they ideas that I've finally found the courage to speak up about. Don't get me wrong...these "ideas", these "opinions" aren't earth shattering in the grand scheme of things, but they are things that weigh on my mind. And I have a hard time determining if I've finally found the voice to speak them.

But like I've said before, they aren't major things. Nothing that should cause for concern. They are just the drama that I make for myself....