I joined a gym! Yeah, I’m shocked too – don’t feel bad for being surprised. I really hope this is something I stick with. Back in May I started taking golf lessons, and I’ve loved it. I’m actually frustrated that no one in my usual gang of friends can go play, for one reason or another (out of town, too hot, whatever). After I go to the driving range, I’m pumped, and I feel good about myself. I’m hoping the gym will be the same way.
I’m worried I won’t go because I’m distracted by other things. Soccer two nights a week, and I like to do something golf related once a week, whether it’s the driving range or an actual lesson with our instructor. What happens if I play soccer on Mondays, need a rest on Tuesday, and then play again on Wednesday? That leaves only Thursday through Sunday, days all clumped together. I’m sure I’m worrying about nothing. Right? I’m gonna be pumped, and I’m gonna be motivated, and dammit I’m gonna go!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Up Yours
So my roommate’s cat has pooping issues. I don’t know all of the technical terms and such. I do know the cat’s colon backs up with feces and she ends up getting constipated and eventually it is impossible for her to go to the bathroom. As a result, she’s taken to the vet to have the backup of feces removed. It’s hard on her system and may eventually play apart into her death. Not a happy story. It was decided, that as a preventative measure, maybe the cat should start receiving enemas. Yep, you read that right – an enema. Right now the plan is every two weeks, the cat gets stuff shoved up her rear.
Roommate’s job has made her familiar with enemas. Me, on the other hand, nope, had no idea. I’ll spare the details (unless you really want to hear them), but that poor kitty. We were warned that cat bites are very dangerous, and if you are bitten by a cat you should go for professional medical attention, and that, because of the bacteria in their mouth that is similar to e. coli, you’ll probably end up on antibiotics. Anyways, they put the kitty in a plastic cone collar, and then they put her in a kitty bag, recommending we get one. I say “we” because I’m the poor sucker meant to help with this. The bag is neat, it has the zipper on the top, so you drop the cat in, zip it up so only her head sticks out, and you’re set. You unzip a bit from the back end, but the arms and legs are stuck inside, so you don’t get clawed to death. Once the kitty was in the bag, we learned how to perform the procedure. The up-the-butt part is quick, and then the kitty gets to spend the night in the bathroom, with a litter box that she’ll hopefully use.
Yep, that was my Thursday night – jealous?
Roommate’s job has made her familiar with enemas. Me, on the other hand, nope, had no idea. I’ll spare the details (unless you really want to hear them), but that poor kitty. We were warned that cat bites are very dangerous, and if you are bitten by a cat you should go for professional medical attention, and that, because of the bacteria in their mouth that is similar to e. coli, you’ll probably end up on antibiotics. Anyways, they put the kitty in a plastic cone collar, and then they put her in a kitty bag, recommending we get one. I say “we” because I’m the poor sucker meant to help with this. The bag is neat, it has the zipper on the top, so you drop the cat in, zip it up so only her head sticks out, and you’re set. You unzip a bit from the back end, but the arms and legs are stuck inside, so you don’t get clawed to death. Once the kitty was in the bag, we learned how to perform the procedure. The up-the-butt part is quick, and then the kitty gets to spend the night in the bathroom, with a litter box that she’ll hopefully use.
Yep, that was my Thursday night – jealous?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I Got A Snake Man!

So GuyRoommate and I get home from our soccer game and GirlRoommate rushes downstairs to meet us, telling us to head down to the basement, she has something to show us. Yep, a snake caught in the netting for her plants. At first we didn't realize how badly he was stuck. I thought he was just rolled up in the netting, but no, he had slithered through the actual holes in the net, trapping himself.
First GuyRoommate, before realizing how badly trapped the snake was, just tried to shake the netting to free him. Then after realizing he was trapped, GuyRoommate requested scissors. He made a few snips in the netting before wondering, what type of snake is this? Is he poisonous? I came inside and started to Google snakes. Then I decided to call one of my soccer teammates. Teammate is somewhat of a Renaissance man - he knows a bit about everything, including gardening and the like. He didn't answer, but his wife did. She's a country girl, so I explained our predicament. After chatting and web searching, we all agreed it was a rat snake. Not poisonous, but if he does bite you may feel a bit sick.
In the beginning, GuyRoommate did most of the work. He snipped away at the netting while GirlRoommate jumped and shrieked while I chatted on the phone. I don't know what possessed me, as I was terrified, but I decided I needed to help.
It's hard to tell, but in the bottom picture that's my bare hand using kitchen shears to cut away the net. At one point GuyRoommate asked why I was leaning over his leg to cut, and he laughed realizing it was my way of keeping something - anything - between me and that snake.
I was so worried I'd cut the snake. It was hard to slide the blade of the shears between the skin of the snake and the tight netting wrapped around his body. We did eventually free him of the vast majority of the netting. As best as I could tell, there was only one loop left on him when he slithered away.
For as scared as I was, I felt bad for the snake. He was trapped, and he would surely die if we didn't help him. As soon as I was finished, I turned to go back in the house, and I could feel tears welling in my eyes. I was so stressed, so scared, so nervous, and it was all finally over. I think I managed to safely remove the net without cutting the snake. As I was also happy that the few times I did jump, I didn't stab anyone (aka GuyRoommate) in the face with scissors.
** Oh how funny! Right before I hit publish on this, my cousin sent a picture of a snake that's been hanging out at his place. That guy even climbs brick walls! They named him Pete. I was gonna name our snake Pete!
***Oh, and another thing. We trimmed up the netting and swept up the mess we made, hoping that no other critters will become trapped. As I was taking out the trash, a roach ran past me. Really!? Haven't I been through enough?!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Feeling Used
I’m sure you know someone that’s a jerk. And you’ve come to accept it – that guy is a jerk. I have a friend like that…a very, very close friend. Best Guy Friend actually. He’s quite often a douche, but as I’ve gotten to know him, I know there’s a good guy underneath that douchey exterior. A caring, thoughtful person.
BGF and I play on an indoor soccer team together. Yeah, he can be a butt. He yells, a lot. And there are times I agree with what he says. Watch the middle of the field, why was that person left all alone standing in front of the goal one on one with our keeper. Quit fucking around with the ball, just shoot. He just says it in yelling. And some people are tired of it. What frustrates me is I think that he has valid points, maybe just not the best way of saying them. But when I’ve tried to politely say something, I get blown off. So why not yell? At least then you know the person’s listened to you enough to know what you’ve said.
I’ll admit I’m biased. Like I said, while I know he can be a jerk, I know there’s more to him. Anyways….sitting around after the game the other night I found out one of my current teammates, and a close friend of BGF’s, doesn’t want to play with him anymore. We talked about why. I felt defensive and protective of my friend, who wasn’t there to defend and protect himself. But I thought he had a right to know of our conversation, so I told him about it when I got home. As a result, he’s decided not to play after the next season. He said he doesn’t want to be the reason that people leave the team, so he’s going to do it.
I feel like this all stems from what I told him, and I feel like the conversation about BGF took place with the knowing that I’d go back and tell him about it. Don’t use me to do your dirty work because you don’t have the balls to do it yourself. I don’t understand though, yeah, BGF can be an ass, get over it. Just like it’s hot outside, you just deal with it. At least that’s my opinion. And someone who’s seen us play could say, sure, it’s easy for me to say all of this because I’m not the one getting yelled at. You forget, he’s my friend away from the team. So I hear about my screwups on the ride home. I hear about it on the way to our next game, and I hear about it many times in between. But guess what? I don’t give a fuck what he has to say. He dishes out some shit, and I fling it right back, and that’s when I choose to even pay attention.
I know I’m rambling, but I find this whole thing annoying. Got a problem? Either man up and say something or get over it. Sure, I realize there have been things I’ve whined about in the past where you could easily throw my words back at me, but dammit, if you’re not going to do something on your own, don’t use me as your little pawn.
BGF and I play on an indoor soccer team together. Yeah, he can be a butt. He yells, a lot. And there are times I agree with what he says. Watch the middle of the field, why was that person left all alone standing in front of the goal one on one with our keeper. Quit fucking around with the ball, just shoot. He just says it in yelling. And some people are tired of it. What frustrates me is I think that he has valid points, maybe just not the best way of saying them. But when I’ve tried to politely say something, I get blown off. So why not yell? At least then you know the person’s listened to you enough to know what you’ve said.
I’ll admit I’m biased. Like I said, while I know he can be a jerk, I know there’s more to him. Anyways….sitting around after the game the other night I found out one of my current teammates, and a close friend of BGF’s, doesn’t want to play with him anymore. We talked about why. I felt defensive and protective of my friend, who wasn’t there to defend and protect himself. But I thought he had a right to know of our conversation, so I told him about it when I got home. As a result, he’s decided not to play after the next season. He said he doesn’t want to be the reason that people leave the team, so he’s going to do it.
I feel like this all stems from what I told him, and I feel like the conversation about BGF took place with the knowing that I’d go back and tell him about it. Don’t use me to do your dirty work because you don’t have the balls to do it yourself. I don’t understand though, yeah, BGF can be an ass, get over it. Just like it’s hot outside, you just deal with it. At least that’s my opinion. And someone who’s seen us play could say, sure, it’s easy for me to say all of this because I’m not the one getting yelled at. You forget, he’s my friend away from the team. So I hear about my screwups on the ride home. I hear about it on the way to our next game, and I hear about it many times in between. But guess what? I don’t give a fuck what he has to say. He dishes out some shit, and I fling it right back, and that’s when I choose to even pay attention.
I know I’m rambling, but I find this whole thing annoying. Got a problem? Either man up and say something or get over it. Sure, I realize there have been things I’ve whined about in the past where you could easily throw my words back at me, but dammit, if you’re not going to do something on your own, don’t use me as your little pawn.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Avoiding Reality
A long time ago I did buy my own domain name, and it was avoidingreality.com, but I never did anything with it. I haven't even made the effort to see if the new owner has. Oh well....I debate over and over about continuing with this blog. I have absolutely nothing to talk about. My only drama is what I bothered to be bothered by. I don't have an adorable new son (holy crap that kid is cute). ANd well, only so many people want to hear about my adorable cat. My biggest problem right now is my new (hopefully) golf clubs are on back order.
The only thing that has really been weighing on my mind recently are my dreams. I've talked about them before, and more often that not even you can understand the absurdity of my dreams. Not long ago I dreamt about an alligator (crocodile, whatever) that was initially 2 feet long and grew to 6 feet long when approached. Not gonna happen....no reptile will start at 2 feet and unexpectedly grow to 6 feet just like that. Nope...not real.
But after that dream things took a turn for the....real?! The dreams I've had recently aren't so much dreams as they are hallucinations. When I wake up I struggle to determine if what just took place was all in my head, or was it real? The people and places are part of my every day life. I wake up not knowing if the feelings that I've expressed are the ones that I'm still struggling with, or are they ideas that I've finally found the courage to speak up about. Don't get me wrong...these "ideas", these "opinions" aren't earth shattering in the grand scheme of things, but they are things that weigh on my mind. And I have a hard time determining if I've finally found the voice to speak them.
But like I've said before, they aren't major things. Nothing that should cause for concern. They are just the drama that I make for myself....
The only thing that has really been weighing on my mind recently are my dreams. I've talked about them before, and more often that not even you can understand the absurdity of my dreams. Not long ago I dreamt about an alligator (crocodile, whatever) that was initially 2 feet long and grew to 6 feet long when approached. Not gonna happen....no reptile will start at 2 feet and unexpectedly grow to 6 feet just like that. Nope...not real.
But after that dream things took a turn for the....real?! The dreams I've had recently aren't so much dreams as they are hallucinations. When I wake up I struggle to determine if what just took place was all in my head, or was it real? The people and places are part of my every day life. I wake up not knowing if the feelings that I've expressed are the ones that I'm still struggling with, or are they ideas that I've finally found the courage to speak up about. Don't get me wrong...these "ideas", these "opinions" aren't earth shattering in the grand scheme of things, but they are things that weigh on my mind. And I have a hard time determining if I've finally found the voice to speak them.
But like I've said before, they aren't major things. Nothing that should cause for concern. They are just the drama that I make for myself....
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday Funday
Well hello strangers! I've been slack about updating, but not a lot is going on that's really worth talking about, so I'll bore you. I've been taking a soccer skills camp on Friday nights. It's a lot of fun, and I am learning stuff, I just don't know how well I'll be able to apply the skills in a real game situation. I get too nervous knowing that someone far better than me is coming after the ball, so I'm in a hurry to get rid of it. I suppose if I practiced more on my own time I may feel differently. MOnday nights have been occupied with outdoor, and Wednesdays with indoor. I'm having fun, getting in some exercise.
My knee is still kind of bothering me, and I'm just not sure what to do. GuyRoommate says it's going to hurt, it's a knee injury - a part of your body you use all the time. GirlRoommate is more sympathetic. I fell at the end of February, and waited two weeks to go to the doctor. My first visit he said things would be a lot better in two weeks, and when I went back to see him, I agreed they were. Two more weeks and I should be back to normal. So it's been a month since then. He did say if I was still hurting to call back and request an MRI. I'm just not sure what to do. I'm not in constant pain, and I walk without a limp. I'm a lot better and using both legs to go up and down stairs. When I do feel pain, it isn't bad...more annoying than anything. But does it hurt because I did do more damage than we realize, or am I just taking a long time to heal? I wish someone could just say, this is normal. You're not a young girl any more and this will take time to get over. Or, it wasn't that serious of a tear, it should be better by now, you probably did fuck up your meniscus and you should get that MRI. I just hate the idea of spending all of that money when it might just be me being impatient.
And since my knee is bothering me I decided to sign up for golf lessons. Smart me! I'll have a busy week next week...outdoor soccer on Monday, golf on Tuesday, indoor soccer on Wednesday, nothing on Thursday, and soccer camp on Friday. You'd think with all of that soccer I'd have some skills! Yeah, you'd be wrong!
My knee is still kind of bothering me, and I'm just not sure what to do. GuyRoommate says it's going to hurt, it's a knee injury - a part of your body you use all the time. GirlRoommate is more sympathetic. I fell at the end of February, and waited two weeks to go to the doctor. My first visit he said things would be a lot better in two weeks, and when I went back to see him, I agreed they were. Two more weeks and I should be back to normal. So it's been a month since then. He did say if I was still hurting to call back and request an MRI. I'm just not sure what to do. I'm not in constant pain, and I walk without a limp. I'm a lot better and using both legs to go up and down stairs. When I do feel pain, it isn't bad...more annoying than anything. But does it hurt because I did do more damage than we realize, or am I just taking a long time to heal? I wish someone could just say, this is normal. You're not a young girl any more and this will take time to get over. Or, it wasn't that serious of a tear, it should be better by now, you probably did fuck up your meniscus and you should get that MRI. I just hate the idea of spending all of that money when it might just be me being impatient.
And since my knee is bothering me I decided to sign up for golf lessons. Smart me! I'll have a busy week next week...outdoor soccer on Monday, golf on Tuesday, indoor soccer on Wednesday, nothing on Thursday, and soccer camp on Friday. You'd think with all of that soccer I'd have some skills! Yeah, you'd be wrong!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Cheese With That Whine?
Today at work I started a blog entry, and the whole point of it was going to be how I’m still alive, but nothing important or notable has happened, blah blah blah. And then the shit at work started. A coworker of mine used some incorrect terminology in an email. He stated that something was our “policy” but fact of the matter is, it is not policy. His supervisor was griping about the situation, and I used at as an opportunity to address something that bothers me – a lack of communication. I informed the supervisor that I also thought it was policy, and how I thought situations such as these could be avoided if there was better communication. I was interrupted by a phone call, and when I was finished the supervisor jumped on me. “Where is it stated that that’s our policy? Where? Show me? If you’re going to say it is, then prove it in writing.” I told him I had no problem in saying I was wrong, and that I can’t back it up with print, but it was something I had heard, and I was wrong. No problem saying I’m wrong. Know who has 2 thumbs and is wrong? This girl!
But I continued on how things happen without everyone knowing. Wait…not EVERYONE knowing…the people involved knowing. For example, an upgrade is being pushed out to certain employees, and if they miss the upgrade because their pc was off of if they have a laptop and it was out of the building during the time of the upgrade, then they should call my team to arrange to get the upgrade. The upgrade is slowing rolling out, so if someone calls asking for it prior to their scheduled time, we tell them to wait. A user called and said she wanted the upgrade, and I told her she’d have to wait until her group was upgraded, and she politely states that she got an email saying she should call me. In this case, she had a legitimate reason to call. She was part of a group that was upgraded…that would have been nice for me to know. Then, rather than trying to figure out what the hell she’s talking about – what email?! – I could have just given her the upgrade. Why was I the last to know?
I suppose it bothers me so much because I find it embarrassing. Why should someone else, in another department, know more about my job function than I do. And it happens constantly! My team’s name and number is dropped all the time for help with issues, but we never get a heads up. Why is it so hard to tell us?
It also drives me nuts that these things happen over and over. A coworker asked why it bothered me so much. We’re peons, we don’t have much say. Life isn’t fair, shit happens all the time. So I should settle? Just let it roll off of my back? I can’t argue with the fact that there are just some things you can’t change, but I don’t see why my requests are so unreasonable.
But I continued on how things happen without everyone knowing. Wait…not EVERYONE knowing…the people involved knowing. For example, an upgrade is being pushed out to certain employees, and if they miss the upgrade because their pc was off of if they have a laptop and it was out of the building during the time of the upgrade, then they should call my team to arrange to get the upgrade. The upgrade is slowing rolling out, so if someone calls asking for it prior to their scheduled time, we tell them to wait. A user called and said she wanted the upgrade, and I told her she’d have to wait until her group was upgraded, and she politely states that she got an email saying she should call me. In this case, she had a legitimate reason to call. She was part of a group that was upgraded…that would have been nice for me to know. Then, rather than trying to figure out what the hell she’s talking about – what email?! – I could have just given her the upgrade. Why was I the last to know?
I suppose it bothers me so much because I find it embarrassing. Why should someone else, in another department, know more about my job function than I do. And it happens constantly! My team’s name and number is dropped all the time for help with issues, but we never get a heads up. Why is it so hard to tell us?
It also drives me nuts that these things happen over and over. A coworker asked why it bothered me so much. We’re peons, we don’t have much say. Life isn’t fair, shit happens all the time. So I should settle? Just let it roll off of my back? I can’t argue with the fact that there are just some things you can’t change, but I don’t see why my requests are so unreasonable.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Pissy Mood
I haven't bitched on here in awhile, and I'm sure you've missed it, so here it goes. Today wasn't a great day at work. We're implementing a new timesheet process soon, and right now it's in the testing phase, and it has been a complete and utter disaster. System errors, user errors, fluke incidents, it's all there. And it's mess. I myself have very little to do with the new system. My involvement is limited to me being a middleman for users and the solutions to their problems. Even though I'm nothing but a middleman, I've been one ridiculously busy person. The two days we've had of testing have been awful, and I'm trying to prepare myself for another busy day tomorrow. The day is going to suck ass and I am just not ready for it.
The thing that really peeves me is I spend my day taking a beating. I do it from 8:00 - 5:00, and whether or not I can squeeze in a lunchbreak it doesn't matter, I'm still there at 8:00 and I can leave at 5:00. Other workers in my area have the luxury of not following such a formal schedule. It just burns me up that I spend my day taking it in the ass and those guys float in and out at whatever hours they choose, and in the end they get paid for "working" the same hours as me, even if they were only there for 2/3 or 3/4 of the time. They come in late, leave early, and have a nice relaxing hour, hour and a half lunchbreak. Sure, you can attribute this to jealousy, but what about fairness? All of these people make more than me. Where's my compensation? Especially when we "work" the same hours?
The thing that really peeves me is I spend my day taking a beating. I do it from 8:00 - 5:00, and whether or not I can squeeze in a lunchbreak it doesn't matter, I'm still there at 8:00 and I can leave at 5:00. Other workers in my area have the luxury of not following such a formal schedule. It just burns me up that I spend my day taking it in the ass and those guys float in and out at whatever hours they choose, and in the end they get paid for "working" the same hours as me, even if they were only there for 2/3 or 3/4 of the time. They come in late, leave early, and have a nice relaxing hour, hour and a half lunchbreak. Sure, you can attribute this to jealousy, but what about fairness? All of these people make more than me. Where's my compensation? Especially when we "work" the same hours?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
If my knee doesn't stop hurting soon I'm going to go bananas. The weather's been so pretty lately and I haven't been able to take advantage of it. My knee is starting to feel better, but I'm impatient. I want normal. I've never had a real injury, and it's driving me nuts. I want to go out for a walk/run. When the weather's nice I spend my lunchbreak roaming around downtown. My job is mind numbingly boring - I need the change of scenery. I've realized I don't listen to my callers much...I've already figured out the problem and I'm just waiting for them to quit babbling so I can fix it.
The knee problem has made for rough nights as well. Like I don't have enough sleep issues. I think I have restless legs. In the evenings or laying in bed I can feel them twitching. Working out does make them feel better. My mom also told me that doing wall sits will help, and they do help, when I can actually do them. Sigh...bitch bitch bitch...
The knee problem has made for rough nights as well. Like I don't have enough sleep issues. I think I have restless legs. In the evenings or laying in bed I can feel them twitching. Working out does make them feel better. My mom also told me that doing wall sits will help, and they do help, when I can actually do them. Sigh...bitch bitch bitch...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Stoopid Knee
So a couple of weeks ago a crowd of us went up to Snowshoe, WV, for some skiing. I took a little spill, and since then, my left knee hasn't been very happy. When I fell, I managed to leave my feet flat on the ground and aimed downhill as I slid on my back. Finally, my left ski caught an edge and my leg bent behind me. I've never felt pain like that...holy shit it hurt.
There was some serious swelling and pain, and the general consensus was that I hurt my MCL. BGF said it, and so did the part-time EMS worker that I know at work. He also suggested it was possible that I tore my meniscus, but wasn't sure. I asked those guys if they thought the fall warranted a trip to the doctor, and everyone agreed that I should give it some time, so I did.
Fast forward exactly two weeks and I'm in the doctor's office. The swelling has gone down, but there's still some there. I do still feel some pain. The big thing I wanted to know was if things were healing ok, and when can I start playing soccer again. I have a hard enough time keeping my weight under control when I'm moving around, I surely can't do it when I can't exercise!
I went to an orthopedic specialist that deals with Sports Medicine. He said in an effort to save time and money, we'd skip taking x-rays and an MRI. He could say with certainty that the guys were correct, I did tear my MCL. He's not sure about my meniscus. It's possible that it is torn, but his thinking is to try and see how a brace will help things. If it's just my MCL I'll be fine. If there is a problem with the meniscus, the damage is already done and it can't get worse, but based on our conversation he doesn't think the meniscus will be an issue. Yay!
There was some serious swelling and pain, and the general consensus was that I hurt my MCL. BGF said it, and so did the part-time EMS worker that I know at work. He also suggested it was possible that I tore my meniscus, but wasn't sure. I asked those guys if they thought the fall warranted a trip to the doctor, and everyone agreed that I should give it some time, so I did.
Fast forward exactly two weeks and I'm in the doctor's office. The swelling has gone down, but there's still some there. I do still feel some pain. The big thing I wanted to know was if things were healing ok, and when can I start playing soccer again. I have a hard enough time keeping my weight under control when I'm moving around, I surely can't do it when I can't exercise!
I went to an orthopedic specialist that deals with Sports Medicine. He said in an effort to save time and money, we'd skip taking x-rays and an MRI. He could say with certainty that the guys were correct, I did tear my MCL. He's not sure about my meniscus. It's possible that it is torn, but his thinking is to try and see how a brace will help things. If it's just my MCL I'll be fine. If there is a problem with the meniscus, the damage is already done and it can't get worse, but based on our conversation he doesn't think the meniscus will be an issue. Yay!
Monday, March 8, 2010
A possible TMI post. About girly business. For awhile now my period's been acting odd, and I finally had enough. I made an appointment to visit my OB/GYN, and after the usual checkup she decided it would be a good idea to do an ultrasound. I had never had one before, but I've seen plenty on tv. I was escorted to my exam room, after emptying my bladder (why do they insist on using that phrase, is it really necessary?), and once inside the tech told me she'd be performing an internal ultrasound and I needed to undress from the waist down. She left the room for me to undress, and when she returned, I asked, "did you say 'internal'?" Yep, that's what she said...you can see things better.
Now when my doctor said "ultrasound" I imagined what I would assume most people would - the tech squirting some gel on a instrument, and then running it over my belly. Yeah...no. The instrument looked like a large vibrator, to which she applied the gel and placed between my legs. Now, that device never actually entered my body, but I seriously thought she was going to jab a hole in me. I had no idea they did ultrasounds like that. However I was later informed that if you're pregnant it'll happen that way. Another reason for me not to have kids!
The good news is, after that uncomfortable experience, that everything checked out just fine!
Now when my doctor said "ultrasound" I imagined what I would assume most people would - the tech squirting some gel on a instrument, and then running it over my belly. Yeah...no. The instrument looked like a large vibrator, to which she applied the gel and placed between my legs. Now, that device never actually entered my body, but I seriously thought she was going to jab a hole in me. I had no idea they did ultrasounds like that. However I was later informed that if you're pregnant it'll happen that way. Another reason for me not to have kids!
The good news is, after that uncomfortable experience, that everything checked out just fine!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Use A Coupon
Monday, February 8, 2010
All The Single Ladies
Can’t you just hear Beyonce singing? Or…maybe it’s just me. Whatever, that’s fine. A few weeks ago I was at the library chatting with my librarian friend, and knowing I was single she asked if I had plans for the Valentine’s Day weekend. I said no, so she asked if I’d go on a speed-dating outing with her. I don’t really know the details, other than the R-Line is involved, taking people from place to place. When she asked if I’d go, I tried to not have a deer-in-headlights look and to just laugh it off. I can’t imagine such an incident to be fun. Although I am always yelling how does one meet people when you’re my age, but that’s not really what I had in mind. I mentioned it to GirlRoommate who thought it would be fun. Yeah, easy to say when you’re not going. GuyRoommate’s on my side about this….what kind of guys am I really going to meet? I have a type in mind, and trust me folks, not what I’m looking for.
Anyways, one day the topic came up during a conversation with two of my single female friends, and they’re all excited. WTH?! Really? Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, and who knows, I may someday actually try it and end up meeting Mr. Wonderful. But the pressing issue for my friends is so that they’ll have something to do for Valentine’s Day. Oh dear God no, I can’t do nothing on Valentine’s Day. I can’t be single and alone on Valentine’s Day! Who actually cares about Valentine’s Day? Aside from Hallmark I mean. It’s one holiday I’ve never cared for. Now don’t get me wrong, any Valentine’s Day that I have been with someone I’ve always appreciated the gestures (who doesn’t like presents!), but I’d rather have those gestures as a spontaneous show of affection, rather than because you can read a calendar. Two years ago when Burger and I were together for VDay, I begged not to go out…let’s make dinner at home, watch a movie, and snuggle on the couch. That was all I wanted. But no, “you’re supposed to go out on Valentine’s Day” so we did. Yay.
In other exciting news, I’m going skiing! Oh my gosh, I am going to die haha! We’re going at the end of the month, a big group of us, up to Snowshoe, West Virginia. I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of fun. I did take skiing as one of my PE classes when I was up at App. That was my freshman year, and then I skied one time after that my sophomore year, and that’s it. I just haven’t been since. I have actually purchased some boots and skis. They were $75 total. Thank God that little 13 year old girl outgrew them so I could get them. And yay for craigslist! Now I know that you’re thinking, geez Kim that’s an awfully expensive activity and didn’t you just bitch about money? Yes and Yes. Another reason to not go out on the speed-dating activity, and no, no I will not be going out to lunch, or dinner, any time soon. Thanks for the invite though!
Anyways, one day the topic came up during a conversation with two of my single female friends, and they’re all excited. WTH?! Really? Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, and who knows, I may someday actually try it and end up meeting Mr. Wonderful. But the pressing issue for my friends is so that they’ll have something to do for Valentine’s Day. Oh dear God no, I can’t do nothing on Valentine’s Day. I can’t be single and alone on Valentine’s Day! Who actually cares about Valentine’s Day? Aside from Hallmark I mean. It’s one holiday I’ve never cared for. Now don’t get me wrong, any Valentine’s Day that I have been with someone I’ve always appreciated the gestures (who doesn’t like presents!), but I’d rather have those gestures as a spontaneous show of affection, rather than because you can read a calendar. Two years ago when Burger and I were together for VDay, I begged not to go out…let’s make dinner at home, watch a movie, and snuggle on the couch. That was all I wanted. But no, “you’re supposed to go out on Valentine’s Day” so we did. Yay.
In other exciting news, I’m going skiing! Oh my gosh, I am going to die haha! We’re going at the end of the month, a big group of us, up to Snowshoe, West Virginia. I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of fun. I did take skiing as one of my PE classes when I was up at App. That was my freshman year, and then I skied one time after that my sophomore year, and that’s it. I just haven’t been since. I have actually purchased some boots and skis. They were $75 total. Thank God that little 13 year old girl outgrew them so I could get them. And yay for craigslist! Now I know that you’re thinking, geez Kim that’s an awfully expensive activity and didn’t you just bitch about money? Yes and Yes. Another reason to not go out on the speed-dating activity, and no, no I will not be going out to lunch, or dinner, any time soon. Thanks for the invite though!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
My Money

Yes, I know you're supposed to budget, and I always say that I should, but yeah, that never happens. Well tonight I decided to sit down and just take a look at where my money's going. One thing is obvious, this girl likes to eat. I included Wal-Mart & Target in the "grocery & stuff" heading because I will grab foodstuff there when I'm out. My "other" column is more clothes, my Christmas shopping, but nothing I could eat or drink, and not gas. I should take a bigger look at that column so I can break it down more, offhand I know there's a trip to the driving range, but I have not bought much to wear recently, so I'm not sure what's up.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Probably Need Professional Help
I swear I do not know what the Hell is wrong with me. I had a dream last night that just makes no damn sense. I dreamt that I was terminally ill, and the hospital I was at let me leave so I could go home and die. Seriously!? Wth!? I remember being in the car on the ride home, depressed, looking out the window at the trees as we drove by. It was one of those dreams where I was seeing it in third person, like it was a movie. I saw myself with my head leaned against the window that showed the reflection of the trees. Really quite pretty if you could see what I was seeing. When we got home, which wasn't really my house, but more of a fancy cabin on a lake, I saw my mother. Someone started a campfire, and chairs were all around so everyone could sit around and hang out to help me enjoy my last night. At no time ever did I feel or look sick. I was upset though, I begged and pleaded with my mother to let me stay, that I wasn't ready to die yet. When I woke up from the dream I was so upset, all the fear and depression I felt in my dream was still with me. Looking back now though, shit, I deserve an Oscar. All of the pain and emotion, yeah, I would have wooed crowds. I don't have any clue where all those ideas came from. I can't think of any conversation I've had or any tv program I've seen that would make me think about dying and such. So weird....
Friday, January 22, 2010
So Dark
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Bunco Night
Tonight our house hosted a Bunco group. I had to admit, it was fun, but I was beat. Have you ever played before? I hadn't, so I had to learn the rules, such as yelling "Bunco!" at the appropriate time, and snatching the dice when triples are rolled. My luck wasn't very good, and I ended up coming in last place. The cool thing is the person in last place gets their $5 back, so I ended up losing no money. Granted I didn't win any, but I didn't lose any! The part I didn't care for was the chit-chatting prior to play. It was more wedding talk! I swear as soon as it starts my eyes start to glass over. There was wedding talk for a little bit, table decorations and dress alterations. Thank goodness for pigs-in-a-blanket to snack on. And then later Valentine's Day was mentioned. I don't understand that day much either. And this isn't a single girl hating on Valentine's Day, even when I've been in relationships that I've hated on it. Don't get me wrong, I like the stuff associated with the day, a special sweet treat or a nice dinner, but that would mean a whole lot more if it was done spontaneously, and not when it's expected by society. Know what I mean?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wow I had such an awesome dream last night! It's kinda weird though, it's not the content of the dream that was so cool, it was more how I felt when I woke up, because I was in the best of moods. In my dream I was a reporter, and I was doing a story about soldiers that worked on a plane similar to a C-130. We discussed how supplies were dropped out of the plane. Next, the commanding officer and I talked about the troops jumping, and said it was possible for me to jump with them. It wasn't really jumping and parachuting down to the ground, though, it was more of jumping out of the plane on a long line, and trailing behind it. Like parasailing, only out the back of a plane. I was so excited, I suited up and got all of my gear on, and listened to the soldiers as he explained the process. After I was sure he was done talking, I shot him a huge grin and took of running to the back of the plane and jumped! And then I woke up. I was still filled with all of that excitement, it was so hard to go back to sleep. I just laid there and imagined what would be happening next.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Girly Girl
I tell you, there are times I feel like I just don't fit in with other girls. I like movies with guns, violence, and swearing. I'm not much into romantic comedies. Last year I saw "The Ugly Truth" and wanted to shoot myself. I found Katherine Heigl's character to be annoying rather than funny. The movie wasn't a fun experience for me. This Valentine's Day a new movie is coming out with a stellar cast...Bradley Cooper (hottie), Anne Hathaway (so beautiful), Jennifer Garner, Julia Roberts, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Topher Grace, Jaime Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, and the list goes on. Guess what the title of the movie is? "Valentine's Day" - you got it! I think the cast is awesome, I really do. But I have absolutely no desire to see it. None whatsoever. I'm hoping the Marrieds will go see it together and leave me out of it.
It's not just movies I don't like either...wedding talk bores the life out of me. Do I want to get married? Sure! Do I want a wedding? NO! I've been a bridesmaid in one wedding, and that was enough for me. To me it just seems like an assload of work and money for one day. One day that I've heard so many couples say that was just a blur. What's wrong with just getting dressed up and going to the courthouse? Then, if you want, throw a big damn party? Let's be honest, who really cares about the ceremony? I'm sure it's important to the bride and groom, and to their families, but who else cares? Most people just want the fun of the reception. Mighty nice invitation you sent out...really pretty. And into the trash it goes. And then there's the dresses. I'm not gonna make you wear some stupid dress for a few hours...one that you have to shell out some cash for and then never use again. Same for the bridal gown...though I will say, the brides who have trashed their dresses...I think that's pretty awesome. I'd be down with laying in some mud in that stark white gown!
It's not just movies I don't like either...wedding talk bores the life out of me. Do I want to get married? Sure! Do I want a wedding? NO! I've been a bridesmaid in one wedding, and that was enough for me. To me it just seems like an assload of work and money for one day. One day that I've heard so many couples say that was just a blur. What's wrong with just getting dressed up and going to the courthouse? Then, if you want, throw a big damn party? Let's be honest, who really cares about the ceremony? I'm sure it's important to the bride and groom, and to their families, but who else cares? Most people just want the fun of the reception. Mighty nice invitation you sent out...really pretty. And into the trash it goes. And then there's the dresses. I'm not gonna make you wear some stupid dress for a few hours...one that you have to shell out some cash for and then never use again. Same for the bridal gown...though I will say, the brides who have trashed their dresses...I think that's pretty awesome. I'd be down with laying in some mud in that stark white gown!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year
I've been quite slack about posting lately, I totally admit. And there has been stuff that I've wanted to talk about. I've just been lazy. And that's one of my goals for the new year...to be less lazy. I need to get more active. Another resolution, if you call it that, is to go out more with singles and less with the Marrieds. Nothing against them, don't get me wrong, but going out with them isn't going to get me any closer to being married, which I would one day like. So SingleGirl and I have decided that we need to go out the two of us, minus the marrieds, at least twice a month. Our intention is to out and meet other singles, and if by chance they happen to be men, that's great, and if by chance something more comes from it, that's great also.
I must say I'm glad I've met SingleGirl. I met her through GirlRoommate, and she's the first single friend that I've had in a long while. Plus we've got a lot in common! We're thinking about joining a gym. Planet Fitness actually. Anyone go there? Pros? Cons? I need to get more active. I did get a Wii Fit for Christmas. I'm hoping that having that fat little mii looking at me will help motivate me. Though shouldn't the chubby me in the mirror be doing that already?
Now that I'm actually taking the time to sit down and type I can't think of much that I've been wanting to talk about. I made it through an entire year without going on antibiotics. I must say, for me that is fucking amazing. Having my tonsils removed has definitely been one of the best decisions of my life. I hate it that I waited so long to have it done. The cat's doing well - love that little Marco. WOrk is work...what else can I say?
I must say I'm glad I've met SingleGirl. I met her through GirlRoommate, and she's the first single friend that I've had in a long while. Plus we've got a lot in common! We're thinking about joining a gym. Planet Fitness actually. Anyone go there? Pros? Cons? I need to get more active. I did get a Wii Fit for Christmas. I'm hoping that having that fat little mii looking at me will help motivate me. Though shouldn't the chubby me in the mirror be doing that already?
Now that I'm actually taking the time to sit down and type I can't think of much that I've been wanting to talk about. I made it through an entire year without going on antibiotics. I must say, for me that is fucking amazing. Having my tonsils removed has definitely been one of the best decisions of my life. I hate it that I waited so long to have it done. The cat's doing well - love that little Marco. WOrk is work...what else can I say?
Happy New Year
I've been quite slack about posting lately, I totally admit. And there has been stuff that I've wanted to talk about. I've just been lazy. And that's one of my goals for the new year...to be less lazy. I need to get more active. Another resolution, if you call it that, is to go out more with singles and less with the Marrieds. Nothing against them, don't get me wrong, but going out with them isn't going to get me any closer to being married, which I would one day like. So SingleGirl and I have decided that we need to go out the two of us, minus the marrieds, at least twice a month. Our intention is to out and meet other singles, and if by chance they happen to be men, that's great, and if by chance something more comes from it, that's great also.
I must say I'm glad I've met SingleGirl. I met her through GirlRoommate, and she's the first single friend that I've had in a long while. Plus we've got a lot in common! We're thinking about joining a gym. Planet Fitness actually. Anyone go there? Pros? Cons? I need to get more active. I did get a Wii Fit for Christmas. I'm hoping that having that fat little mii looking at me will help motivate me. Though shouldn't the chubby me in the mirror be doing that already?
Now that I'm actually taking the time to sit down and type I can't think of much that I've been wanting to talk about. I made it through an entire year without going on antibiotics. I must say, for me that is fucking amazing. Having my tonsils removed has definitely been one of the best decisions of my life. I hate it that I waited so long to have it done. The cat's doing well - love that little Marco. WOrk is work...what else can I say?
I must say I'm glad I've met SingleGirl. I met her through GirlRoommate, and she's the first single friend that I've had in a long while. Plus we've got a lot in common! We're thinking about joining a gym. Planet Fitness actually. Anyone go there? Pros? Cons? I need to get more active. I did get a Wii Fit for Christmas. I'm hoping that having that fat little mii looking at me will help motivate me. Though shouldn't the chubby me in the mirror be doing that already?
Now that I'm actually taking the time to sit down and type I can't think of much that I've been wanting to talk about. I made it through an entire year without going on antibiotics. I must say, for me that is fucking amazing. Having my tonsils removed has definitely been one of the best decisions of my life. I hate it that I waited so long to have it done. The cat's doing well - love that little Marco. WOrk is work...what else can I say?
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