Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm Up!

Since having the ol' tonsils removed my sleep schedule has been totally screwed up. It's about this time every night when my second wind kicks in and I am wide awake. Yesterday I came home from work and crashed, but I had too. I'm toying with the idea of getting sick. Last night when I got home I was aching so bad all over, my head was pounding, and my throat was hurting. I took a nap which ended up with me sleeping from about 6:00 - 8:45. When I woke up I was pretty dazed and felt like I could just crawl into my bed and sleep on through the night. But I figured that was way too much sleep so I should try and eat some dinner and stay up a bit. I was talking to a friend later on last night about how I probably screwed myself with the whole nap, and maybe I should take something to help me get some sleep. I had a some of my hydrocodone left from my surgery, so I took it because it used to help me sleep. Nope...not last night. I felt groggy and out of it, but would I fall asleep? Hell no...not until after 5:00 this morning, and my alarm goes off at 6:15. Nice! And the craziest thing of all? I'm wide awake right now. I think at some point my body is just going to crash and burn at the rate I'm going. Sigh...guess I have to have some sort of excitement, right?

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