Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Yeah, been pretty slack about writing on here lately. Honestly, I feel like I've been so damn busy I just want to sit on my couch like a bump on a log, not bang away on my keyboard. Heck, I've hardly even been home enough to sit on my couch. Left for MA last week on Tuesday night. I did have a good time, don't get me wrong, but I will NEVER EVER spend 16 HOURS in a CAR with my family AGAIN. NEVER. Even though I was back here in NC on Sunday, I spent pretty much the entire day with my BGF (Best Guy Friend) and his wife watching football. And even though I didn't hang out with anyone on Monday night, I was doing laundry, cleaning up, and there was a trip to the grocery store in there. Last night after trivia was my first chance to just sit on my couch and relax. Tonight I'm sure I'll be doing something to ring in the New Year...just not sure what, yet! So...let's see, that means tomorrow night is me & couch time. Woohoo!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
We Made It
So the family and I have made it to Massachusetts without killing one another. I am glad, from the moment I walked in the door I was a happy girl getting to see everyone. It was fun to sit around and chat and be made fun of by everyone. Some of the guys like to give me a hard time, encouraging me to hurry up on the baby making. My grandparents only have one great-grandchild, and the guys think it's up to me to give them another. My poor mom, every time she walked into the room my cousins were giving me "advice" on how to score with a guy. They don't even care if there's any type of relationship - they just want me to have a baby. Why do I have to do all of the work...what's wrong with them knocking up some chick? girls have to do everything!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!
I know it's a little early but I do hope everyone has a very merry Christmas! I'm not going to say I'm not looking forward to mine, it's the traveling I'm not excited about. When I get off of work I leave for MA. For a 14 hour car ride with my parents and my brother. Good grief I'm going to die. I'm thinking I'd rather be drug out into the streets and beaten. We can hardly ride to dinner the 4 of us, and now we have to spend how long in a car together?! And to think I wanted to fly, but Mom made me feel guilty because she was going to have to ride by herself. I think deep down there is a small part of me that wants to stay home and be left alone.
Monday, December 22, 2008
That Bad?
So I'm still working to get over whatever little bug is bothering me today, and I thought I was doing pretty good! But out of the 8 calls I've had so far, 7 people have told me to get better!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'm Up!
Since having the ol' tonsils removed my sleep schedule has been totally screwed up. It's about this time every night when my second wind kicks in and I am wide awake. Yesterday I came home from work and crashed, but I had too. I'm toying with the idea of getting sick. Last night when I got home I was aching so bad all over, my head was pounding, and my throat was hurting. I took a nap which ended up with me sleeping from about 6:00 - 8:45. When I woke up I was pretty dazed and felt like I could just crawl into my bed and sleep on through the night. But I figured that was way too much sleep so I should try and eat some dinner and stay up a bit. I was talking to a friend later on last night about how I probably screwed myself with the whole nap, and maybe I should take something to help me get some sleep. I had a some of my hydrocodone left from my surgery, so I took it because it used to help me sleep. Nope...not last night. I felt groggy and out of it, but would I fall asleep? Hell no...not until after 5:00 this morning, and my alarm goes off at 6:15. Nice! And the craziest thing of all? I'm wide awake right now. I think at some point my body is just going to crash and burn at the rate I'm going. Sigh...guess I have to have some sort of excitement, right?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Real Quick
Just wanted to let you guys know disaster averted with the whole insurance thing. Yesterday I went to HR and asked what's up with my insurance being terminated. The HR lady pulled up my info online and my medical insurance was still intact. But she called Cigna and for some reason, unknown to everyone, the pharmacy portion of the insurance was canceled. The Cigna chick was going to re-enable it, then call the HR chick and let her know when it was ready, and she would in turn call me. Well, no one called but I stopped by Target last night and just asked them to run it and see if it would go through, and it did so I got my drugs. So I think I'm all set. Which is awesome because I feel like shit right now, and with my luck I'll need more drugs soon. Aren't I supposed to be feeling better?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Just A Fluke?
Sigh...I hope this is not a sign of an impending headache. I went to Target today to pick up 2 prescriptions, and the girl asked me if anything with my insurance had changed, or if I had gotten a new card. I told her no, it's the same insurance and I think that I'll be getting a new card, but I don't have one yet. She then proceeded to tell me they tried to file with the insurance company, but yay! According to the insurance company my coverage has been terminated!
I really hope it's just a computer glitch along the line somewhere and it just affected Target. I got a statement from the hospital the other day asking me to verify all of my information because they're going to submit the claim for my tonsillectomy to the insurance company soon. I just want this to all go through as it should. I told want to have to argue with anyone along the way.
I did check online and my coverage appears active. I tried to call Cigna, but it took almost 10 minutes into their automated menu before I found out their office is closed on the weekend. Ugh.
I really hope it's just a computer glitch along the line somewhere and it just affected Target. I got a statement from the hospital the other day asking me to verify all of my information because they're going to submit the claim for my tonsillectomy to the insurance company soon. I just want this to all go through as it should. I told want to have to argue with anyone along the way.
I did check online and my coverage appears active. I tried to call Cigna, but it took almost 10 minutes into their automated menu before I found out their office is closed on the weekend. Ugh.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Macro Effect
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I was going to say not a lot's been going on, but today is the first day in while I've sat at home with not a lot to do. Been doing some Christmas shopping, watching some football, and working.
I visited the ENT today for my post-surgery followup. I thought she'd tell me I looked great, would give the a pat on the back and send me on my way. Almost happened, but not quite. She was happy to see me smiling - the last time we spoke I had blood running down the back of my throat. She said things look good, but there's still some swelling back there. She asked how I was feeling, and I told her good but my sleep schedule is still screwed up. I've quit taking naps after work, but I am still up and getting my second wind around 11:00. And yet I'm dead ass tired the next day. She wasn't too worried, but expects that to change. I also said I sometimes choke a little when I drink, but she said that's normal. I feel like I really have to concentrate on swallowing. I can't drink continuously from a glass, and I hate drinking with a straw. It's almost like I feel like I'm exaggerating the swallowing process. My throat just needs to learn to close more. Eh, we'll get there. I have to go back in 6 weeks, unless I feel fantastic. She said I had a rough recovery, but most of that can be attributed to going back to work so soon. However, if in 6 weeks I do go back and things still look swollen, they're sticking a scope down my throat. ACK!
What is work, shopping is expensive, and I love football!
I visited the ENT today for my post-surgery followup. I thought she'd tell me I looked great, would give the a pat on the back and send me on my way. Almost happened, but not quite. She was happy to see me smiling - the last time we spoke I had blood running down the back of my throat. She said things look good, but there's still some swelling back there. She asked how I was feeling, and I told her good but my sleep schedule is still screwed up. I've quit taking naps after work, but I am still up and getting my second wind around 11:00. And yet I'm dead ass tired the next day. She wasn't too worried, but expects that to change. I also said I sometimes choke a little when I drink, but she said that's normal. I feel like I really have to concentrate on swallowing. I can't drink continuously from a glass, and I hate drinking with a straw. It's almost like I feel like I'm exaggerating the swallowing process. My throat just needs to learn to close more. Eh, we'll get there. I have to go back in 6 weeks, unless I feel fantastic. She said I had a rough recovery, but most of that can be attributed to going back to work so soon. However, if in 6 weeks I do go back and things still look swollen, they're sticking a scope down my throat. ACK!
What is work, shopping is expensive, and I love football!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Can You Read?
My morning has gotten off on the wrong foot. No, that's not started just fine, but then callers have made it go downhill. Maybe I'm just a little too happy it's Friday, and I'm already in weekend mode? Person calls, says they can't log into their machine. Could be quite a few reasons for that so I say, "Can you read me the error message?" And the response is something like "oh you know blah blah contact your administrator!" Am I not phrasing the question properly? Maybe I should be saying "Tell me exactly what it says on your screen. I want you to read the message word for word exactly as it appears and do not leave out a single syllable. Can you do that?"
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Went For A Walk
A blog that I follow had an entry about a photo project the author had read about on the internet. The idea is to take a photo every 100 steps. I thought it was a neat idea, and I liked the interesting pictures she was able to take on her walk. But, like her, I got sick of counting my steps. Besides, I realized I don't get very far in 100 steps. Damn these little legs! But here's some of what I saw:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Rough Day - Again
Man, I'm not sure what crawled up my butt, but today wasn't so swell. Wait a minute...I'm totally lying. I know what's wrong - the economy. I work in the public sector...I assumed that meant job security. No, things aren't THAT bad right now, but all the talk of hiring freezes and extending them, kinda makes it hard to move around in the workplace. And then the mention of layoffs...who likes that?
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