Kim is tonsil and adnoid free!! And thank you Mom for the lovely picture! Haha!
Yesterday went very well. Mom and I showed up a few minutes early before my 6:45 check-in time. We only had to sit in the main waiting room for about 5 minutes before they came and got me to go to Pre-Op. They weighed me and then showed me to my little "room". I say it that way because it was beds in a line separated by curtains. I was in Room 13. Nice. They told me to change out of my clothes and put on the gown...and they reminded me that meant everything off! I changed and hopped up on my bed and Nurse #1 came. She introduced herself, took my blood pressure, and then tried to draw some blood. She tried to get the vein on the side of my wrist, but it kept rolling and she couldn't stab it. It really did hurt, and she kept apologizing, saying she didn't want to have to stab me again. I told her if this was the worst pain I felt all day, I'd be good. She chuckled and said, "No, it's going to get worse!" Aw! Finally she gave up on the wrist and then decided to try for a vein in the bend of my elbow, which she got in no time! She drew some blood and then started my IV of fluids. Which made me pee. A lot.
Once the IV was started Nurse #2 stopped by to give me an EKG. My blood pressure was up and they wanted to make sure the ol' ticker was in good shape. After she left Mom and I just sat there and chatted for awhile. Next the anesthesiologist came by to chat. He started on his little speech and said that they would have to insert a breathing tube and that may cause a sore throat. Then he looked up at me, then at my paperwork and we all laughed...yep, I was going to have a sore throat anyways! My ENT stopped by and introduced herself to my mom. She is a peppy woman!
The last few things I remember were Nurses #3 and #4 that got me all tucked in and covered in warm blankets. As they rolled me to the OR we dropped my mom off in the waiting room. I remember getting into the OR, seeing the big lights above me, and that was it! It was only 25 minutes between the time my mom left us for the waiting room and the time that the ENT went out to see her. The doc said it was the worst set of tonsils she's ever seen. That's pretty bad, considering I was feeling well when I went in! She also decided to take out my adnoids. She told Mom that this week would be rough week for me, but this time next month I should feel like a new person. It almost makes me tear up to say many times have you heard me complain that I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!
I woke up in recovery, with Nurse #3 shaking my arm. She asked if I wanted a drink, but the first thing I did was stick out my tongue and make a wiping motion. It felt like it was covered in slime, but as soon as I wiped it off I felt better. She gave me a little cup of apple juice. I drank it down in no time, stopping to burp after every sip. Nurse #3 laughed and said either end I felt like getting the air out was fine with them! I did have one of those oxygen tubes in my nose, and as soon as I realized it she took it out. It was making my nose uncomfortable. After I finished my drink she asked if I was ready to see my mom, which I was. As soon as Mom walked in I started to cry. When Sexy Coworker had surgery he said he woke up feeling depressed. Guess I did too! I got dressed and had another few cups of apple juice while the nurse explained my post-op instructions. No alcohol (so I said shots tomorrow!), get lots of rest, drink at least 8 oz. of fluid each hour, and absolutely no dairy products for 24 hours! The reason is for some people it causes phlegm and I should do as much as possible to avoid coughing and/or clearing my throat.
I haven't been in much pain. Yesterday and still today one of the most uncomfortable things is that my uvula is swollen, which makes it feel like I have something in the back of my throat, and I so desperately want to clear it. I've been drinking almost nonstop, which is not only good that I'm getting in my 8 oz, but it also feels good. I haven't had much to eat. I can have stuff to eat, but no ice cream until later today and I can't have anything hot, just lukewarm. I've managed to eat some applesauce, a few popsicles, and some sorbet. I'm going to try some of the soup from chicken noodle soup later. I'm really surprised I haven't slept much. I do get tired, but I can't get comfortable. How do you snore with your mouth closed?! I keep waking myself up! But after all of this typing, I think I'll give it a another shot, my eyes are getting heavy!
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