About 20 minutes later my doctor called me. She gave me some new instructions - stick with cold. For the next 24 hours cold drink and cold food. If the bleeding starts gently gargle with cold water and/or suck on ice cubes. She asked how much bleeding there was, stuff like that. Then she asked if I was home alone. I couldn't lie, I told her no I wasn't alone, because I was at work. Boy that was the wrong thing to say! So then more doctor's orders: go home. Go home and do nothing. No puttering around the house, no pushing the vacuum, nothing. I am to sit around, kick back, and RELAX. The most energy I need to put out is when I'm walking to get myself something to eat or drink. Or changing the channel with the remote. So if anyone needs me, I'll be on the couch with my new buddy, Duncan:
He was waiting for me on my desk when I went back to work. I named him after my doctor. Even though things might be kind of rough now, I'm confident it will be worth it in the end!
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