Even with this weekend being a 3-day weekend, it sure was shitty. The news about Sable was really out of the blue. I knew Sable was going in on Friday for x-rays, and when I called my mom for updates that afternoon on my ride home from work, she wouldn't even talk to me because she was crying and didn't want me to cry while I was in the car. We had planned on golfing, so when I got to the course I called her and demanded to know what was up. I asked her if Sable would ever come home, and her answer was, "I don't know". So there went Friday.
On Saturday I bummed around waiting to hear from my mom, and then call came around 1:00 - Sable was gone. Wow...ok. There went Saturday. And most of Sunday. Every time I thought about her my heart just sank. I'd hit a moment where I'd wonder to myself why I was feeling so down, and then I'd remember and it would hurt all over.
I think my feelings about her magnified what happened last night. At one point GuyRoommate and I were sitting on the sectional downstairs and he commented that we were surrounded my kitties. My Marco was cuddled up with me, one of his kitties was stretched out on the lounge, and Grace (GirlRoommate's kitty) was sleeping next to him. It hit me then that we were short one kitty. Swats was no where to be seen. Oh well, it's a big house and there are plenty of places to hide. A few hours later as I was making my way upstairs to go to bed, I decided to peek around to see if I noticed Swats. Nope, no kitty. I went back downstairs and mentioned to GuyRoommate that the kitty was no where to be seen, so he suggested a few places to look. Nope, no kitty. The only place I hadn't looked was his bedroom, so he checked. Nope, no kitty. We looked all over the house. Nope, no kitty. None of our kitties are outdoor kitties, unless you count chilling on the second story deck. Even then, Swats only wants to be there if the door is left open and you're out there with her. GuyRoommate had been grilling out there, so I looked. Nope, no kitty. Not accidently locked in the garage either. He kept assuring me that she's gotten out before, but she's such a scaredy-cat that she never goes far. Oh yeah, then where is she?
At about 2:00 am GuyRoommate opens my bedroom door holding a purring Swats. She had been outside, somehow eluding us as we called her. At one point he decided to open the door to the garage again, and he saw her, sitting out in the driveway, next to my car. It's a good thing he told me, or I would have never gone to sleep. He guesses she was out awhile...he offered her a treat and she nearly took his finger off while gobbling it down. He set her next to the food bowl and she started munching away.
I have no idea when she disappeared. Sunday we were in and out of the house going into the garage, and the big garage door was open the whole time. Monday, in and out just a few times. I can't believe it took me so long to notice she was gone...she's a noisy cat. She'll stand in front of you while you're chilling on the couch and she'll meow and meow at you to lean over and pet her. She's a lil chatterbox.
What else made this weekend blow...shopping for clothes to fit my goofy shape is not fun. I haven't been feeling well. I'm not sure if it's allergies, sinus crap, or what. I do know when my head hurts so bad from the pressure that my teeth start to hurt I am not a happy person!