I admit, I'm one of those people that get depressed during the winter, with it's long, dark nights. I love being able to go out and take a walk after work, or heck, even just siting on my couch with the blinds open, letting the light in. Even nicer when I could have the windows opened slightly with the fresh air coming in. Maybe today's been the first day I've really noticed it, but it's so dark so early, and it's cold. The bad thing is I like the cold. Scratch that, I love the cold! I like my cold weather clothes, I like being able to snuggle up in my bed or on the couch with comfy blankets. Not today though...I feel depressed. Yay overwhelming feeling of sadness! Poor poor pitiful me! If this shit's starting this early it's going to be a long winter.
Not much else is going on...I do have a Halloween party to go to on Friday. I'm stoked. Oh man I wish you could hear the sarcasm, that would make this part so much better. I was looking forward to finding a costume and getting all dressed up, but screw that. I'm not in the mood. Heck, I have a delicious piece of apple pie waiting for me in my kitchen and I'm not in the mood for that either. Although I think I'd better eat it and hopefully enjoy it before I get all pissy and chuck it. I might regret that.
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