Sunday, August 30, 2009

Not Playing

So a few of you have said that I should make an effort and say regardless of my lack of athletic prowess that I want to play. I was going to bring it up to BGF the next time a conversation about soccer came up, but there has been so such opportunity. But you know what, that's ok. Fuck them...I don't want to play. Yeah, yeah, of course that's just all a front but you know what, if he doesn't want me to play, then fine. In the end it would be better than me having to put up with all of his fucking bitching. He's a very vocal player when he gets frustrated, and I can easily see how that might offend other people. Me, I've learned to let it slide like water off of a duck's back.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I Want To Play

So BGF started playing outdoor soccer. The rules say you have that, out of the 11 plays on the field, 3 must be girls. The first game was rough on the 3 girls, they had no subs. At one point BGF commented to the chick in charge I may be interested in playing. On the ride home he told me that she knew of some others girls that were interested, but he did tell her about me. Tonight's game only had 1 chick. And nothing was said to me. Because they didn't have 2 other girls, they had to play down 2 people. I heard someone in the stands say that even two not so good girls would be better than nothing. OK, to be honest they said "even having two out of shape girls would be better than playing down 2 people." Um, hello!! ME!! When BGF initially mentioned me playing, I was interested. Later, when I said something to him about it, he commented he didn't think it was a good idea. He said while I do ok at indoor, outdoor is a different story. The field is bigger, so there's more running and passes need to be longer. I will not argue with that. I will also not argue that I'm not a very good player. But c'mon! I know I need more leg strength, but I see getting to play as some motivation...although yeah, I suppose you could argue I should work on that beforehand, that getting to play should be my motivation. Whatever, take my side here dammit!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Out Of Gas

This week at work has been pure Hell. There are 3 of us on my team, and the other two been out of the office for training this week. Because the workload's too much for any one person, management pulled another person off of a different team to help out. It was great to have someone to help out, but the bad thing is because they're not normally on my team they don't have access to all of the things needed. So while they helped field calls, they couldn't solve some of the problems so they ended up in tickets to me. Next month I'll get to go to the same training, but it'll be better for my usual teammates because the two of them will be there together. I'm not mad at my teammates for being left alone, but I am mad about their attitudes. I can't even think of where to start. If you're calling me, and I don't answer the first four times, then don't call. I know you're just calling to chat, and I don't have time for it. And when I do tell you I'm busy, don't call me grouchy. You would be too if people were bugging you when you already have plenty to do. And then I heard the training let out early, and everyone just went home. know I'm busy, you know the other team is short-handed because they have to help me, and you know work is building up, but you'd rather dick over everyone else because you're selfish? Yep, that's what it all boils down to for me, the selfishness of others. This is why I hate being nice. I feel like I am a kind, considerate person, and yet, most everyone else is not. Do you ever not think of yourself?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good Start

We had a good start to our soccer season tonight. I think the final score was 8-3. While it's exciting and all that we won, you should have seen the teams playing before our game. Wow...are they really in the same league? Isn't this supposed to be the beginning level? At least we won't go winless this season. I feel like whenever I get the ball I lose all of my hearing. No, that's not entirely true, I do hear "drop" sometimes...but tonight I was facing the wall and all I heard was, "c'mon Kim!" Umm...c'mon what? Shoot? Off wall? Man on? My shoe's untied? A little more descriptive please. And like I said, maybe it's just I don't hear what's being said.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What's Up?

Not much going on over here. I'm on round 3 of steroids to help with this fucking poison ivy, but it is getting better. I was told that if this didn't fix it I should go to a dermatologist. I think I'll be fine after this round, but if not I will be back here asking for referrals.

I went and saw "The Ugly Truth" last night. I'm not going to say it was a bad movie, it's just not my kind of movie. I think I'm just one not for romantic comedies. I want more swearing, more guns, and more stuff that blows up. Or some drama. I dunno...the character of Abby was just annoying to me. But again, I'm not saying it's a bad movie, just not my kind of movie.

Work's been a little frustrating lately. No surprises there. Some people just amaze me...not knowing the difference between shift & caps lock, not understanding why their computer still works (a laptop with a battery) but not the printer during a power outage. And because it's the first of the month I'm peeved about my $95/mo parking bill. I have to pay to park my car at work. Well, I guess that's the problem, I'm not really parking at work. We do own a garage, and it's only $25/mo., but I haven't been there long enough to qualify to park there. The people that do park there are the ones that have been around longer and have the higher paying jobs. I'd be ecstatic to get to park there. Yeah, I realize it's only saving $70 buck per month...but uh, hello! It's $70 per month. But it sounds a lot better to say I pay $300/year to park as opposed to $1140. Sigh.....

That extra $840 would certainly help me with my newest hobby. I've been learning to play golf. Or should I say "play" golf. The roommates play. She's had lessons from a pro, him I'm not sure if he's ever had professional lessons but he knows how to play, and can do quite well. Me, I feel like a bumbling idiot out there. A few people have told me if you feel awkward then you are doing it right. We've gone and played 9 holes and also have gone to the driving range. I borrow her clubs, but should this ever become something serious for me I'd need to invest in my own clubs that are either custom made or ones that are petite sized. GirlRoommate is at least 5 inches taller than I am, her clubs aren't the best for me. It's I go spend money on something I'm not sure if I'll want to stick with (wow this is an expensive hobby), or would I be more inclined to want to keep playing if I had properly sized stuff to be play with, which would in turn help my game.

What another babble would I like to discuss...GirlRoommate is out of town next weekend and then both roommates the weekend after that. Awesome! Some "me" time! I'll probably be bored and lonely out of my mind...not used to having so much alone time. Maybe I'll invite my mom to come up. She has yet to see where I live or my lil Marco yet. Speaking of Marco, he's getting bigger. And still a mama's boy. I took a nap earlier this afternoon and he was all about cuddling up with me. He was good sleeping in my lap for awhile, but in true Marco fashion he decided to come and curl up on my head. You know you're tired when you can sleep with a cat on your face.