Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Well, tonight was another game in the loss column, and it was such a disappointing teammates fucking rock. The teamwork and level of play out there tonight was awesome, and yet they don't get rewarded with a win. Me, yeah I still suck but I'm okay wit that. Even BGF played, which was a total surprise to me. Within the last 5 months he's had surgery to repair a torn acl and a torn rotator cuff. He was looking pretty good in goal. My leg's doing ok...I just need to get off my ass and do more so that when Wednesdays roll around and I'm trying to run on it I'm not being a whiner.
What A Waste

I just saw this article from the Today Show. Really? $155,000 to clone a dog? What a freaking waste. Don't get me wrong, I've had some pets I love immensely. Marco has already won me over, and I get teary-eyed at the thought of anything bad ever happening to Sable. But there is no freaking way I'd spend that much money on copying my pet. The experiences that I've had with Sable and Marco is what makes me love them. And I see those experiences as being unique to each animal. Plus, all of that money that was spent...$155,000 - there is so much more that could be done with that money! How many animals could have been helped? Sigh, I just think spending all that money to clone an animal is foolish.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Not much going on here. I'm kinda tired tonight. I usually fall asleep with my tv on, and I set the tv's sleep timer so it doesn't stay on all night. didn't work so well last night. I fell asleep with the tv on, like normal, and when I woke up later it was still on. I had set the sleep timer for 40 minutes, and I was surprised that I fell so quickly and so heavily into sleep. Oh well, I rolled over and went back to sleep. I woke up again later, and the tv was still on! I was thinking that was the longest 40 minutes ever, but whatever. Later on I woke up again (grr...) and the tv was on, but it was black, and said "Game" in the upper corner. Weird - the tv was set to a different source. Did the kitty setup on the remote? But I was so tired from all the waking up I didn't care, I rolled over and went back to sleep. Later on I woke up to voices...the tv was back on cable! By that time I was pretty freaking annoyed, so I got out of bed, turned the tv off, and turned to walk to the bathroom. And then the tv was back on. Doh! I must not have hit the power button, oops! So I turned the tv off and turned again to go to the bathroom, and suddenly the tv was back on! WTF?! I tried two more times to turn that damned tv off, but it kept turning back on. The only thing I could guess was that buttons on the remote were mashed in. Finally I was so annoyed I unplugged the tv, made my pit stop in the bathroom, and then climbed back in bed and went to sleep. Later, when I decided it was finally time to get up, I told myself to find the remote. But there it was, on my night stand with my cellphone on top of it, just like I left it when I went to sleep. Yeah, I have no idea.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
So I have some big news, and one would think that I'd make an effort to update this thing. Guess who's a mommy!? It's me it's me!! On Sunday I became the proud new mommy of Marco.
Isn't he a cutie? I got him from the Wake County SPCA on Sunday. I tell people I didn't pick him, he picked me. I was petting a kitty near him and he kind of swatted at me, so I bent over and scratched him for a sec, and then moved on. He decided to get out of his bed, walk over to me, and put his paws up on my arm, and try and pull himself up. I picked him up and knew at that moment he was the kitty for me! He was purring and nuzzling with me, and my heart just melted.
I decided to name him Marco after Marco Polo. His name was originally Cary, but When I got him I actually ended up going to BGF's house, where there are 3 cats. As soon as we opened the kitty carrier he was out and about, exploring everywhere, and certainly not afraid of those 3 bitchy kitties hissing at him. Poor girls, didn't know what to do with a man in the house! He was all over the place, looking around, checking things out, so I knew he should be named after an explorer, and Marco was the name he responded to when I called it out at him. I promise I will do my best not to turn this into a cat blog, but please give me some time. I've got the new parent excitement/anxiety going!
I decided to name him Marco after Marco Polo. His name was originally Cary, but When I got him I actually ended up going to BGF's house, where there are 3 cats. As soon as we opened the kitty carrier he was out and about, exploring everywhere, and certainly not afraid of those 3 bitchy kitties hissing at him. Poor girls, didn't know what to do with a man in the house! He was all over the place, looking around, checking things out, so I knew he should be named after an explorer, and Marco was the name he responded to when I called it out at him. I promise I will do my best not to turn this into a cat blog, but please give me some time. I've got the new parent excitement/anxiety going!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wow that hurts!
I've been meaning to give you guys an update of Game #2. Well, it had it's ups and downs. So cool thing #1 - we won! But it didn't really count because we had already had to forfeit the game because we didn't have enough players when the game started. Cool thing #2 - I scored a goal! However, it was the LAMEST goal ever. Seriously, had that ball been rolling any slower it would have started rolling backwards, I kid you not. How that ball made it in, I have no idea. BGF was there and said the goalie was wicked pissed, and I can't blame him...the ball was moving that slow. I didn't last very long...I have a strained muscle. I was running late and didn't get a chance to loosen up and stretch. I think I made it all of 60 seconds in the game before I felt the burn in my right leg. BGF thinks inguinal injury - I'm tyring to figure out where exactly that is...that looks like it's more in the abdomen. That's not at all what hurts, it's the top of my thigh. And I have never felt pain like that. It's much better now, sometimes my leg feels a little tight and it's sore walking up or down stairs. But that night, there was a point where I honestly thought I was going to throw up it hurt so bad. Now yes, I admit, I'm a total wuss, but it was awful!!
I was talking to my best friend from home, commenting on how I played for 4 years, all of high school, and never got hurt. Her response? "Seventeen is a lot different than 27." Oh no you didn't, bitch! She was just repeating the words of her husband's doctor to him when he got hurt playing soccer. He's played soccer for a long time, and didn't suffer any injuries until he hit 27. Guess I am getting old. I think I'll be fine by the time next Wednesday. I want to score a less lame goal!
Not much else is going on. Oh, I have a fireplace in my apartment, and I'm actually considering trying to figure out how to turn it on. When I very first moved in GravyDave tried to turn it on, but it never did work. I didn't really care, I didn't foresee myself actually using it. With this cold weather though, I've been thinking about turning it on, but I'll be honest - I'm scared of it. It's a gas fireplace and I just think I'll manage to blow myself up. Maybe it would be best if I left it alone...
I was talking to my best friend from home, commenting on how I played for 4 years, all of high school, and never got hurt. Her response? "Seventeen is a lot different than 27." Oh no you didn't, bitch! She was just repeating the words of her husband's doctor to him when he got hurt playing soccer. He's played soccer for a long time, and didn't suffer any injuries until he hit 27. Guess I am getting old. I think I'll be fine by the time next Wednesday. I want to score a less lame goal!
Not much else is going on. Oh, I have a fireplace in my apartment, and I'm actually considering trying to figure out how to turn it on. When I very first moved in GravyDave tried to turn it on, but it never did work. I didn't really care, I didn't foresee myself actually using it. With this cold weather though, I've been thinking about turning it on, but I'll be honest - I'm scared of it. It's a gas fireplace and I just think I'll manage to blow myself up. Maybe it would be best if I left it alone...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I Had Fun!!
First and foremost, I thought I was going to die - my fat ass needs to get in shape! I'm surprised my lungs didn't explode and my heart stop dead in it's tracks. I admit I'm not good, but it was so much fun to get out there and kick the ball around. I did have one (really lousy) shot on goal, and I had some passes that connected. BGF did come to the game with me, and he did have some advice for me. I need to be more aggressive, and be more confident. I'm sure both of those will come with time. Did I mention I had a good time? I really really did! The only bad thing is our team needs more players. Anyone interested? There are always 6 players on the field, a goalie and 5 in the field, and you sub in and out on the fly. That was incredibly hard for us to do as there were times we had no subs. We didn't have one initially, but a player showed up, but having an extra man didn't last too terribly long because a player was hurt. Season ending good. But then at halftime another player on the team showed up, and he hurt his knee. It's doubtful that he'll play anymore. That totally sucks. Oh, I just realized I didn't mention we lost. I think the final score was...8-1? Some number to 1. But we scored! Well, one of the guys that got hurt scored. Sigh...but it was still fun!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
It was around 2:30 this afternoon and I was using the restroom and I noticed my undies were on inside out. Maybe I was a little more tired than I realized this morning? Haha I felt dumb!
Tomorrow night is my first indoor soccer game, and I am nervous! Let me count the ways...I've never played indoor before. It's with a team of 10 people, and I only know two of them through Best Guy Friend. And he's not even playing! The last time I kicked a soccer ball was Thanksgiving night...I kicked one against a wall by myself for a few minutes. Before that, I can't even remember. I did play outdoor soccer, but that was 9th-12th grade, and we need not go into how old I am. My conditioning is going to be AWFUL. Since having my tonsils out I've been so slack about exercising. Might have to do with the fact that I'm so damn tired, but whatever. BGF says he's going...I don't know if he's the kind of moral support I need. Some people think BGF is a jackass, which I can understand. He's a sarcastic person, but don't take it personally! The problem is with my nerves, I think I won't find him funny. Silly Kimmy, it's just a game!
Tomorrow night is my first indoor soccer game, and I am nervous! Let me count the ways...I've never played indoor before. It's with a team of 10 people, and I only know two of them through Best Guy Friend. And he's not even playing! The last time I kicked a soccer ball was Thanksgiving night...I kicked one against a wall by myself for a few minutes. Before that, I can't even remember. I did play outdoor soccer, but that was 9th-12th grade, and we need not go into how old I am. My conditioning is going to be AWFUL. Since having my tonsils out I've been so slack about exercising. Might have to do with the fact that I'm so damn tired, but whatever. BGF says he's going...I don't know if he's the kind of moral support I need. Some people think BGF is a jackass, which I can understand. He's a sarcastic person, but don't take it personally! The problem is with my nerves, I think I won't find him funny. Silly Kimmy, it's just a game!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Me Time
Holy crap has this evening been fantastic. I went out with for lunch, shopping, and a movie with BGF and wife, and then came home and cooked myself dinner. Then I spent the rest of tonight just working around the apartment, cleaning things up, getting rid of some trash, vacuuming, and such. Man, the place looks great! Anyone want to come over for drinks? It'll be BYOWhatever because I don't have a lot here, unless you want to help me break into the growler of beer I received for Christmas, but this place really does look fit to have company! And yes, this is a big deal because I am horrible at keeping things neat. The night at home I've been wanting so badly - it was definitely tonight, and it's been so awesome! And weird. Being home by myself for so long...for a moment I almost felt lonely. Don't worry, I got over that pretty quick!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Didn't Take Long
I've already had my first bad dream of the new year. Lately there's been a lot of baby talk going around. My bf's sister had a baby, the author of a blog that I follow is due any time now, a former coworker of mine is due on Sunday, a coworker's friend just had a baby, another coworker recently found out she was expecting....babies babies everywhere! Last night's dream (or should I say this morning's dream) wasn't me pregnant, which was cool, but it was two of my former coworkers. These two would never be involved in real life, one is married, the other is dating someone, and I don't even think they like one another.
In my dream the child appeared to be a product of a fling or a one-night stand, but not an actual relationship. She was going into Labor, and he wasn't even allowed to be in the room. All of the news of the birth was being delivered to him secondhand, mostly by me. He was so happy about all of the news, and he wanted nothing more to actually be there, but she was adamant that he stay away. She even named the baby with no input from him. My dream wasn't bad in the sense it was scary, it was just so heartbreaking. He was so frustrated and upset that he wasn't allowed to be involved. I woke up with that feeling of being so sick to my stomach and upset. Yuck.
In my dream the child appeared to be a product of a fling or a one-night stand, but not an actual relationship. She was going into Labor, and he wasn't even allowed to be in the room. All of the news of the birth was being delivered to him secondhand, mostly by me. He was so happy about all of the news, and he wanted nothing more to actually be there, but she was adamant that he stay away. She even named the baby with no input from him. My dream wasn't bad in the sense it was scary, it was just so heartbreaking. He was so frustrated and upset that he wasn't allowed to be involved. I woke up with that feeling of being so sick to my stomach and upset. Yuck.
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