Thursday, August 28, 2008

Guess Who Went To The Doctor?

If you guessed me, you'd be right! I swear if I have to go to the doctor one more freaking time in the next month I'm just going to lose my shit and shove someone in front of a bus. The other night I felt itchy, but I didn't think anything of it. Not sure if I need to even now. Last night my throat hurt just a little bit. This morning I woke up and felt ok, but when I was using the bathroom I happened to notice some red spots on my legs. To me it almost looked like razor burn, but I haven't shaved lately. Then I happened to notice the same spots on my tummy, then on my chest. Fucking super. And my throat felt a little tight (although that might be in my head, just me being paranoid). I headed back to the doctor and was told to stop the antibiotic immediately, and to cross it off the list of future drugs. So no penicillin, no amoxicillin. Lesson learned. So now I'm on steroids to clear up my spots. And I have another pill to again prevent the yeast infection I don't have - yet. Sigh...I can't wait until my poor little body is back to normal!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So Much For Good Day #2

Well, dammit, I was hoping today would have been as good of a day today as it was yesterday. No such luck. I spent the first 3 hours of today in pain and nauseous. Unfortunately the antibiotics I'm on upset my tummy, and also it apparently means I'll have a a buildup of gas in there. (TMI you say? Quit reading then!) I would have given anything to burp or fart, seriously. I ended up getting some ginger ale from the convenience store down the street, and I spent my entire walk ripping burps that would have made Homer Simpson proud. It helped me feel better!

Let's see, what else my cell phone bill. People - quit calling me. The bill is $145. That's almost DOUBLE what it should be. And Verizon, thanks for sticking it to me when I go over. I love it when my ass burns like that. Ok, I guess that last comment was a little much. But I feel like you can't win for losing lately.

Did I tell you guys I got a check from the insurance company about my car? Yep, they paid what my estimate said it would cost. I'm thinking about not getting the scratches fixed. Well, at least not any time soon. If the ENT says the tonsils need to come out, I have no clue how much that'll cost me. I will say my health insurance is pretty dope, but I've not had to use it to have any worthless, troublesome body parts removed. We'll see how that goes....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ah, A Good Day

Man, today was a great day! It was busy aas heck today at work. Most people that called had the same problem - "I was on vacation and now that I'm back I've forgotten my password." Damn, does everyone go on vacation at the same time? But it resulted in a ton of wicked easy calls for me, so I can't complain! I was looking at the tickets I closed out today, and I had 18 tickets more than my closest coworker. Not that it's a competition or anything, but I was seriously kicking some ass today! I hope this is an indication of a good week to come. I have a free day on Friday, which means I do still have to go to work, but I'm not doing my job. Awesome! I get to go hang out with someone else on another team.

You know, I thought I had more to talk about than this. I don't know if I've distracted myself by puttering around the apartment and doing other stuff or what, but oh well. Here's hoping Tuesday was as awesome as Monday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Odds Are...

I can't remember if I mentioned it, but earlier this month I headed to the doctor because my throat was bothering me. It was a little on the sore side, and knowing me, if I didn't get things looked at, it would probably get a lot worse. They diagnosed me with acute tonsillitis and acute pharyngitis. Yep, nothing cute about either one of those. I was given some antibiotics and sent on my merry way. Well, things never really got better, and there were days I even felt worse. Today I was trying to eat lunch and I was having a hard time swallowing my food, all because one of my tonsils was swollen, making it feel like I have a ping-pong ball suck in my throat. Now that just pisses me doesn't hurt, but dammit, it's getting in my way of enjoying food, and this girl loves to eat. So I headed back to the doctor and he decided to prescribe me a stronger antibiotic. I'm allergic to penicillin, and we did talk about that for a few minutes. The doctor asked how I knew, and honestly the only reason I know is because of what my mom told me. I was given penicillin once when I was little and I broke out in hives. The doc said based on that, he wouldn't prescribe penicillin, but he would prescribe something from the same family. The odds of me going into anaphylactic shock were incredibly slim. Now I know there are all sorts of side effects that can come up from taking medication, but even mentioning anaphylactic shock - wow. Even the pharmacist called to make sure that my doctor and I had talked about the amoxicillin I was prescribed and my allergy before the prescription was filled. Thank you Target Pharmacy for looking out for me!! I did promise that if I broke out in hives again I would discontinue the use of the medicine.

So the doctor also suggested I consider seeing an Ears, Nose, & Throat Specialist (any recommendations?) to consider having my tonsils taken out. He said for a person my age, my tonsils are gigantic, even when they're at their normal size. They're probably more of a problem than they're worth. You know, one of my coworkers was making fun of me and himself the other day. He said we were both battling bugs that little kids normally get (he had pink eye). Yep, so my little kid problems persist, and now I'm getting my tonsils out. Probably. What's next, tubes in my ears?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Love DVR

I know I've talked about it before, but I honestly think DVR is one of the greatest inventions ever. I've spent a good part of my weekend catching up on Burn Notice. And if I thought I disliked commercials before DVR, it's only gotten worse since. Now even if I'm home and can watch a show, I don't. I record it and then watch it a little later so I can fast forward. I love you DVR.

I wish I had something exciting to talk about. Oh, I did go and see Journey, Heart, and Cheap Trick in concert last weekend. I got a free ticket through work and went with a bunch of coworkers. It really was a good time! Let's see, what else...went bowling last night...that was fun too! But man, that was expensive! Next time we said we should invade someone's house and Wii Bowl. It'll be a bit cheaper.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Too Early To Be Excited

I walked out of work yesterday afternoon and was amazed at how wonderful the air felt. It didn't feel humid, there was a nice breeze I can't wait for Fall. I even went home and turned off my AC and opened the windows for a bit to let some fresh air in. Did I mention I'm excited for Fall? Even walking out this morning it was nice & cool. This happens every year...August rolls around, kids start going back to school, football season starts, and I want cool weather. But it's like I expect it too soon! I need to remember back into the days of high school sweating my ass off in the marching band. That lasted a few weeks before freezing my ass of started. Remember Kim, remember!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Okay, so I don't know what's up with me trying to publish a post through Picasa, but it never works. So here's your picture. Fabulous!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Here You Go!

Okay, even though it's against my better judgement, here is a picture of me in the dress! Regardless of what you might think, I think I look meh. It's not a bad picture (thanks for taking it BagelDave), but I don't think it's a really good picture either. The photographer did a great job taking it, even though he was a bit intoxicated, I just don't think he had a good subject. I swear I never take good pictures. Ugh!


The wedding was a great time! A very lovely ceremony and a tasty reception. It was at a Dim Sum restaurant. Oh man that food was sooo good. Fried rice, chicken & vegetables, lobster, duck...mmmm so good.

You know, I was thinking to myself earlier that I do have things I want to pass on here. Not really big things, just somewhat interesting things that happened to me during the day, but I am too damn lazy to post it. How sad am I? I really do think a lot of it boils down to being in front of the pc all day long, and when I get home I don't feel like sitting in front of one all night. But no one says I have to get on here and write a book. Just hop on, make my little post, and then hop off. Done!

Oh! BagelDave and I did have a near death experience on our return trip from the wedding. Okay, okay, it wasn't that bad. We were behind a truck that was towing another truck on a trailer, and I thought to myself I don't feel like following along behind these guys, so I moved over into the left-hand lane to pass them. I was still behind the truck when BOOM! One of the truck's tires blew out! Nothing serious happened to them or us, just a spray of rocks & dirt. Dave kind of chuckled and me, well, I was sitting there tears burning in my eyes and a heart that wasn't beating. That incident totally scared the shit out of me! But like I said, we made it through unscathed, aside from some slightly dampened britches. Heheh just kidding about the pants!