Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Walk A Lot
Monday, April 28, 2008
Happy Monday!
Boy I am in a good mood! Weird, yes, I know, but it happens every now and then! I didn't realize it, but Mario Kart came out yesterday. That's always been one of my favorite video games. While I was at work a coworker was telling me about it, how much fun he had playing, and I just sat there burning with jealousy. It totally slipped my mind that the game was released yesterday. But I did stop and get it on my way home. I do feel kind of goofy sitting there and turning the steering wheel, but heck, it's still wicked fun!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Guess Who's A Mommy?
It's me! It's me! Haha I'm trying to grow some plants. This little guy is just some uhh...type of flower that I got out of the dollar bin at Target. I figured, heck, it's a buck. And now I have little flowers - or soon to be flowers! Don't get too excited though, I'm sure they'll be dead in a week.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Costume Idea
A conversation while walking to my car after work today:
Coworker: Oh hey I just thought of something!
Me: What's that?
Coworker (excitedly): Have you ever considered dressing up as an oompa-loompa for Halloween?
Me: Um...no.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I've started taking my camera with me to work and just snapping random pictures as I walk. Most of my walking is on my lunchbreak - it's nice to get outside and breathe some fresh air. It's actually nice to even see what the outdoors look like. I practically work in the basement of my building and we have no windows. In case you're wondering, yes, it is quite depressing. And while I'm glad we're going to get some rain this week on Monday and Tuesday, it makes me sad that I won't really get to go for my walk outside unless I feel like bringing my umbrella!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
On a completely unrelated note - I was running a bit late to work this morning and bolted out the door sans cell phone. Wow did I feel naked without it! I have to admit, I'm kind of paranoid to be without it. What if my car breaks down? What if I need to get in touch with someone? Good thing was I did have my work Blackberry with me, and I do have a few phone numbers memorized. Even so, I did constantly consider turning around on my ride to work just to get my phone. That's sad!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Good Program
Okay, so I know a few of you have already started watching it, but man, I just watched the first two episodes of Dexter, and holy crap that show is awesome! Quite a few months back I read an article about it on CNN, and I thought to myself I had to see if that show was on DVD, because it sounded great. Then one night a coworker from Old Job mentioned the show, and I told him about how I had heard about it and wanted to see it, and low and behold he had the show on DVD! He said he'd let me borrow the disks, I just needed to let him know when I wanted to get the disks from him. We'd see each other at the bar, parties, whatever and he'd always say something like he forgot the disks or he didn't know I was going to be there. I had no worries though, I know where he lives, I could swing by and pick them up, and yet I never did. And then Saturday rolled around. Coworker called to say he was having people over and I was invited. I wasn't in the door 10 minutes when he grabbed the dvds for me. And to think I almost forgot them! Oh man this is such a good show!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Get A Job
I keep toying around with the idea of getting a part time job. I have no problem paying my bills and I still have some money to go out with friends, but there are bigger things I want (aka a sweet new tv), and I'm just not getting to that fast enough. I was even at Michael's the other day and asked for an application, but nope, they didn't have any more. Good thing they have that big "Now Hiring" sign in the window. Then I think to myself, would I really have the time to get a part time job? I have plans for this upcoming weekend - Friday is out with coworkers and Saturday is hanging out with an old college buddy. That really only leaves Sunday, and would I want to work on a Sunday after being on the go all weekend? Maybe I should try and make a better budget and really stick to it...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A Few Pictures
Saturday, April 5, 2008
So Much For A Good Deal
Awhile back I booked my flight for my trip up to Massachusetts on Skybus. What a wicked good deal! $100 for a round trip flight - how freaking awesome! The flight up yesterday was great. Honestly one of the nicest planes I've ever flown on. As my coworker and I were flipping through the onboard magazine, we were discussing other places we could go on Skybus...New Orleans here we come! So last night I'm partying up with some of my cousins and some friends when one of my other cousins calls. She wanted to know where we were, what we were up to, and oh yeah, did you hear Skybus declared bankruptcy. WHAT?! Silly girl! Don't you know April Fools Day was last week? Nope, as of April 5, 2008 Skybus is no longer in business. Hmm...I wouldn't really care except that I am 800 miles from home and now my return flight has disappeared. And not only is my return flight nonexistent, but so is the return flight for coworker from Old Job and the crew that came up to MA with her. Holy crap. Part of me went into panic mode....how much money is it going to cost for me to get home? How can Skybus do this to me? How could they knowingly let me get on a plane knowing they wouldn't be able to bring me back!!? Oh well...everything's going to work out. I did find a one way ticket home that's not too expensive. I can appeal to my credit card company to get a refund on my original flight. My new flight is pretty similar to my original. I'll leave and get home at pretty much the same time. With Skybus I was going to fly into Greensboro, now I'm flying into Raleigh which is actually better for me. And now back to my vacation....woohoo!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Busy Busy!
I go and start up a new blog for people to read, and then I don't go and post anything - not so good! I've just been on the go lately! Went out last week with some new friends...that was a wild & crazy night. This week I hung out with some co-workers from Old Old Job...a good time as always. Last night I did spend a nice evening at home, but I didn't accomplish a lot because I spent a good 2 hours on the phone with a cousin. I'm excited - we were talking about our plans for this weekend. Tomorrow I'm flying up to MA with a coworker from Old Job. Her mom lives not too far from my family, so we thought it would be fun to fly up together. We probably won't see one another once we get there, but it'll be nice to have someone to hang out with in the airport and on the flight. Next weekend should be pretty busy also. I'm going to meet up with my brother and go to a drag race. Haha how redneck of me! That's okay, it'll be a lot of fun and hopefully I won't end up with a bad sunburn like the last time I went.
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